how many of u smile at strangers....???

@anita212 (117)
August 2, 2007 10:07am CST
how many soemtimes smile at strangers... whn r u r going for a walk... or jus goin ina train... whn u catch sometime lookin' at u...dont u smile at them in a sort of polite way... i wonder why we do it...!!!
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2 responses
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
2 Aug 07
a smile is a free thing to do and you never know, the smile that you give to someone, might be the only one they see during that why not smile? what have you got to loose?
@anita212 (117)
2 Aug 07
hey thats a nice thought...!!!
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
2 Aug 07
I always smile and greet people as I pass them while walking etc. A smile is contagious and often can brighten up someones day.
@anita212 (117)
2 Aug 07
ok i many timesgind myself... smilin' at starngers.. too.. yea it sort of makes me happy...!!!