do every women try to betray their hubby once

@sarathys (237)
August 3, 2007 5:27pm CST
i know a women,she is married n lived with her hubby for almost five years but when her hubby got transfer to some other location,she was alone n tried to betray her hubby by making affairs with her local buddy,ll all women try to do this??is this their age problem or wat
1 response
4 Aug 07
Not every woman cheats on her husband! I would never dream of committing such a selfish and heinous act of betrayal on my husband. Sorry to hear about your friend and what she has done. I truly feel sorry for her husband. Why can't he simply have her move to the new location; rather than leaving her behind? That part I am not understanding. Anyway, the answer to your question is NO, not every woman steps out of the boundary of marriage. Some women in the world do have morals and values and stick by them thru better or for worse.