what means freelance writing?

August 12, 2007 3:10pm CST
i meet this expression here for a few times but i can't really understand what that means.could you explain me a little bit,please?
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9 responses
• Malaysia
12 Aug 07
freelance writing means you're self employed for your writing job and did not attached to any principal. Anybody can be your principal as job is concern.
1 person likes this
• Romania
12 Aug 07
thank you for your answer!
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
12 Aug 07
A broad definition of what it means to be a freelance writer is having someone who works independently and submits pieces of writing to different companies or businesses for publication. Freelance writers are paid per piece of work, which sometimes is a flat rate or can also be based on the number of words written. Freelance writing provides a great deal of flexibility and adaptability, but also requires strong motivation and dedication to achieve the final goal of publication. Many freelancers eventually become consultants for other enterprising writers, running workshops or starting their own companies. Source: http://www.msu.edu/~wrac/pw/careers/freelance.html
• Romania
13 Aug 07
thanks for the explanation.do you think i can do it if i am not from US or UK?
• Philippines
13 Aug 07
freelance writers can be from anywhere as long as they know how to write with content or substance.
• Romania
13 Aug 07
hmm,that's sound interesting.i think i am gonna look for this and see if i can do it.just will try,that is what i certainly can do
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
14 Sep 07
If one has a flair for writing, one can keep writing articles, poems, biograhies and send them to publishers of newspapers, magazines. They do publish it. Once the habit of writing isdeveloped and when your writings are published here and there you become a free-lancer. Sometimes you can even agree to write on a particular topic in serial to a paper, still without being employed and you are paid for your contribution each time when it is accepted. Are you keen on writing? There are some lovely websites which pays for writing. Please send a PM if you are keen, so that Ican introduce you to those sites. In fact I am a freelancer, publishing some writing here and there.
• India
3 Oct 07
http://www.uniquearticles.net is a source for writers and authors to publish their writings. only quality articles will be entertained.
@phon4u (2215)
• Laos
6 Sep 07
The place where you focus on writing job. Make your earning at home like a staying home mom. Be your own boss for the time set.
@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
5 Sep 07
it means your self employe and you work from home with no boss that will watched your every move.
@derek_a (10874)
13 Aug 07
Freelance writing means that when you write, you are not writing for one company for any company you want who will pay you for your articles or stories. You are not contracted to one company only. Freelance writers are usually self-employed and agree a fee for each piece of work they do.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
13 Aug 07
Hi andrejuly84! Freelance writing is you are not tied down or hired exclusively with a certain company wherein you only write for them. Freelance writing is when you create articles that you can submit to any publisher of your choice. Have a nice day and take care.
@kennedee (156)
• Philippines
5 Sep 07
As from the word itslef it means writing. Through this you can earn money as you write. It is a homebase job that's why it's you who decide when you want to write. You write according to the topics that your costumers orders you and you will be paid minimum of $20 per page. It should be unique and free from gramatical errors to avoid complains and for your writings to be aprove.