are you ambidextrous

@teflon09 (208)
August 13, 2007 9:17pm CST
What the heck is ambidextrous? Well, people who skill both hands equally are called ambidextrous.. For example you play tennis with your right hand but write left-handed, then you are said to be one.. I do everything with my righthand but used to play marbles with my left hand in my childhood.. what about you?
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3 responses
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
20 Aug 07
I believe I'm ambidextrous in using my hands lol... I think it's solely a matter of practice of psychomotor scales. For my case I'm a right handed I still could write and draw quite smoothly with my left hand after some practices. I used to play piano which invloved much skilful action of both hands when I was younger. As a rule I believe that most ambidextrous persons are using only their left or ringt hand for doing those scrupulous works without using the other hand. So finally they never realize that they are actually ambidextrous.
@teflon09 (208)
• India
21 Aug 07
that's a great piece of information..btw, what are psychomotor scales? can you please explain?
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
14 Aug 07
I am totally right handed. I even type more with my right hand than my left. (I hunt and peck, not touch type.) I envy those who can do things with both hands but, for me, the left hand is just a "helper" hand to the right which does everything. I used to try to write with my left hand and got decent at it but was never comfortable with it.
@teflon09 (208)
• India
14 Aug 07
Well, if you are serious to write with your left hand, you can do it.. You can skill your left hand through practice.. takes time but still possible.. children seem to pick it up quickly.. you know.. I still play marbles with my left hand and cannot with my right.. (huh, only if I play at all).. Natural left handers are said to be geniuses in one or other sphere of life..
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
I am right handed but I trained to use my left hand whenever my right hand is sore or tired from working or doing everything... But of course i could only write using my right hand... it is quite difficult to learn how to write with the left hand when you have been using the right all your life... i am always fascinated with how different left handed people are....