what is the sweetest thing you bf have done for u?

he & me  - love he & me
August 14, 2007 2:15am CST
as title~ i think the sweetest thing he done for me is that one night, when we were not that relationship~ i feel sad because i fail in a very important exam~ and he is be with me~ we are in the seaside all the night~ and he was listening to me all night~ that make me feel warm and safe~ he is always be my side~ what about you guys? share something with me~
6 responses
• China
14 Aug 07
it was a very hot a summer day in the classroom without airconditioner. we just had a fight---to be exactly, it was me who got very angry and shouted at him when he had done nothing wrong. i beat him with a stick, which was broken into two when it get touch with his hand. you can see how badly i treated him. i got back to my seat and then he run out of the classroom. i thought he did so because he got very angry with what i've done. ten minutes later, he came back with an ice cream. my heart melted with the ice cream as he passed it to me. this is the sweetest thing that i'll never forget.
• China
14 Aug 07
it is so sweet~ thanx for your story~ you are so lucky~ and wish you guys happy~ this summer is not so hot in my city~ he is in shanghai~Shanghai is too hot~ and i am in dalian~ nice day in a beautiful city~ looking forward to his back~
• China
21 Aug 07
thanks very much for your donation and i hope your sweetheart had come back now.^^
• China
17 Aug 07
I think I have many sweet memory with my boyfriend. He always does housworks for me, which helps me so lot. Everytime,when I got angry,and condemned on him, he just keep in silent and does all the housworks for me. The latest sweet thing, he does for me is: I also got angry about some small cases,I concluded all the things at his fault.I even beat him, of course not seriously, But he gave me a hug and calm me down. Such a sweet memory, It happens at yesterday....
• China
17 Aug 07
so sweet~ i think i will like some tender guys they are tender and kind and careful~ sometimes we argue witheach other~ and he will make me calm down and comfort me~ i appreciate it so much~ thanx for your sharing!
@huilee (1005)
• Singapore
16 Aug 07
Thats so sweet of ur bf... For me... I guess it always links to jacket... Before me n my bf got together... I went out with my group of friends n my bf who was back then my friend, especially bought a jacket down for me jus because i told him i was cold and i forgot to bring my jacket... That really makes me feel so warm... N sweet... =) It kept me smiling the whole day... Soon after we got together... N again... Another time... I left for work without my jacket n it was raining heavily thus the drench causes me to be super cool and i was freezing away... My bf was rushing to work n yet he rushed down to my workplace to pass me a jacket to keep me warm for the day... I mean our workplace is not very near, at least half an hour n nt forgetting hes running late... His small little actions nv fails to warm my heart... =)
• China
16 Aug 07
long time no see~ how about you these days ? it is so sweet~ a sweetheart is needed indeed in our life~ i think i will be good to him~ and forgive him if he deserve~ i miss him so much~ and always think back a lot happened before it is so sweet~ and i am waiting for his back` feel that u are a pretty sweet heart~ i like you here~ thanx for your sharing~ have a nice day =)
@zabawaus (1730)
• United States
14 Aug 07
He is actually my husband now. And he did lots of things to make me happy. But 2 of them i just remembered . One i was very sick and feel sleepy and went to bed with my contacts on. And he has washed his hands and took my contacts while i was sleeping. Next morning i woke up with no contacts on my eyes. This feeling was great. Other thing was we were on a holiday but i have a very allergic skin. Almost allergic to everything so my skin started to get red and we thought it was because of the cleanser used on sheets and pillows. My skin was burning so i was taking shower often and one day i got out of shower and saw that my husband covered all pillows with his t-shirts and got a new sheet where ever he got and covered all bed with them for me. I couldn't believe he did such thing in that short period. He is a sweetheart.
• China
15 Aug 07
he is so sweet~ and you make me remember that my bf have done the same thing for me when we go out for a holiday~ it make me feel good~ and a lot of sweet thing he have done for me~ buy me a lot of sweet thing although he don't appreciate them~ but i think he will do a lot of things he don't like for me
@zabawaus (1730)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I can't believe i forgot to write this. My husband made a huge tattoo of my name on his arm and it was the biggest present i have ever get in my life.
• China
17 Aug 07
it is amazing~~ so sweet~ i think it means a lot to u~
• United States
16 Aug 07
My boyfriend was in a Pageant and for his talent scene he played the piano and had the audience sing a song for me. During the dance/formal scene I was his partner and the music number was my fav. song and he kept is all away from me and I was over the pageant!
• China
17 Aug 07
you are so lucky~ thanx for your sharing~ have a nice day~