Are mylotters afraid of political discussions?

By Amy
Abernathy, Texas
August 16, 2007 5:15pm CST
I've noticed my discussions on more political discussions get ignored. Is it because people on mylot have no opinions are politics or they're afraid of political debate? What do you think?
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6 responses
• United States
16 Aug 07
I think you will find the 'silent majority' of Americans have been whipped. They are embarrassed because they voted for Bush or Kerry. If they call an 'illegal' a illegal. They are branded racist or phobic. If they talk bad about our government. They are branded un-American.I think people have just turned into a bunch of wimps. Interested ONLY in their own pocketbooks and whats 'in it for me'. Dictator Bush has done NOTHING but lie since he's been in office! And his sidekick Cheney is really scary. The Republicans would squash you like a bug if you don't make a lot of money. The Democrats would cry if you look at them wrong and would be happy to give away America for a couple of votes. I'm looking HARD at everyone else. How about that for a start ??
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• Abernathy, Texas
16 Aug 07
Wow that's great. I think, as you may know if you looked at some of my other posts that Dictator is exactly what Bush truly wants to be. Some believe he manipulated 9/11 for his own purposes - some say so he could try to institute martial law - which he has tried - even for the bird flu pandemic - and may 9th of this year he actually passed legislature which would insure that if we had another catastrophe - that's exactly what he could do. In this new Orwellian world - you and I may be watched now just for writing things like this.
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• United States
17 Aug 07
Actually. Being watched by our own government is not far off. Lets see. Illegal wiretaps, listening in on Americans phone conversations, monitoring the internet, probing a persons business and bank records, etc. Most people don't know (or don't want to know) about the NAU. This is President Bush's, Mexico and Canadas North American Union. Set to be in place around 2011. That is why Bush WILL NOT close the border with Mexico! He wants to eliminate the two internal borders, Print NEW money called the Amero, eliminate the US Constitution and guess who will be elected President of the NAU. BUSH! Now that is scaring me. He will be able to do this and become the dictator he wants to be because his army will already be here. The Mexicans. Just take a moment, think about it. Research it on the net. I may sound like a looney. But, it fits. The thing is. If people are afraid to write whats actually on their minds about their own government. Then anarchy has won. No way do I advocate any kind of violence or anything. I try to promote knowledge and free thinking. The two things feared the most by people in power.
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• Abernathy, Texas
17 Aug 07
I believe its possible. Only I know that although he may not want to close the border, my husband who works on Customs/homeland security planes knows that there are border guards - in Deming - where he's gone for TDy's the border guards have a very dangerous job - shot at all the time.
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• United States
16 Aug 07
Oh we have opinions alright and some of us like to share them with one another. I am afraid however that after you have been on mylot for awhile longer you will find out why most of us avoid them unless they are with in our circle of friends. Good luck with this one :)))
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• Abernathy, Texas
16 Aug 07
Are they avoided because some people get mean? I guess I should just go searching for the discussion but I love opening up a conversation on something I really want opinions about...its fun.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Mar 08
I didn't realize this was started so long ago until I went to respond! I was wondering what you were thinking, I see lots of political discussions and get lots of responses when I start them. Actually, it's caused me a great deal of grief since it seems only those who are more right-leaning get good rankings here for the politics interest, so maybe that explains it a little. I know I'm not afraid of a political debate - maybe I should be, but I'm not! Annie
@gwendovere (1279)
• United States
17 Aug 07
I avoid most political questions like the plague.
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• Abernathy, Texas
23 Aug 07
That's why I love mylot you can find whatever your interest is!
• Denmark
18 Aug 07
Weird how different we all are. I find discussions about the colour of my underwear and how many times i bath/shower the plague of myLot
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• Denmark
18 Aug 07
I do nto think mylotters are affraid of political discussions, but its more the fear of the political discussions being deleted and by that they will loose any point or any pennies they have earned answering these discussions. myLot adm is weird creatures and have decided that some political discussions can be rather sensitive and therefore can be regarded as a violation of the mylot almighty rules. I myself find political discussions rather interesting and will reply if they appeal to me or pisses me of. Just have not come accros any of your discussions as i do not really waste much time on this place.
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• United States
29 Feb 08
First off I think that many Americans just don't care anymore. They think that their vote doesn't matter. Look at the 2000 election Gore won the majority vote but lost the electoral vote. Another thing is that I've heard many people say that they are afraid of using certain words on the internet. Many people think that if you tpe in the wrong word they might get a virus or something on their computer. Not sure of the truth in this but I know a few people that swear that it has happened to them or a friend they know. Me, I try to avoid typing in certain words or phrases just to be on the safe side. For instance I'll use George instead of President. But I think that it's just that a some people don't know much about politics and want to stay out of it.