
@ajarca (57)
August 23, 2007 7:37pm CST
If a genie appears to you and offers you a wish, what would it be and why?
2 responses
@Daelin (683)
• Brazil
24 Aug 07
That's it the most difficult question in the world. Should I ask for money? Money doesn't solve our problems. Should I ask for health? Just mine? And my family's and friend's? I really don't know. I guess genies don't exist because we would mess up asking weird things. I heard a fable sometime ago. An old couple, very poor, found a bottle with a genie. Then they heard that they could ask three wishes. The man yelled "I want a sausage!" The woman got mad when she saw a sausage in his plate. It was a waste of a good wish. Then she said "I hope this sausage becomes your nose!" His nose became a sausage and he began to cry. And said "I want my nose back!" He got his nose back, the sausage disappeared and so did the genie.
@lburns70 (182)
• United States
24 Aug 07
I would wish for three wishes. The first would be world peace. Everyone needs to get along. The second would be for everyone to have good health. I work with people with mental retardation and I wish that they could experiece things like we do. The third wish would be to have money. Lots of it. I would donate it to people who need it and use it to better myself but not go overboard. I would buy a new house and pay off my bills. I would still work but invest it as well.