what happen if u will get the place of bill gate

bill gate - just say a few word
August 25, 2007 6:02pm CST
it is everyone dream tht i have listed abt bill gates when i was 14 year old guy i always think of tht it will be a real mystery for everone of us . feedback r wecome ur buddy arsh
1 response
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
26 Aug 07
I will immediately hire you as my secretary.
• India
27 Aug 07
with pleasure bcz if u will become bill gate thn definety to become his servant is also a great job i am ready to do tht with pleasure thanks for invitation
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Aug 07
Why do you degrade yourself. Bill Gates basically is a human being like you and me. May be he is in a top position because of his hardwork, luck. That does not mean one has to work as his servant, or slave. If you make up your mind, you can also become a bill gate. May be more than him or slightly less than him. Thanks and have tremendous faith in your self.
• Pakistan
1 Sep 07
well i think being Bill Gates is not a big deal. you can earn money how much you want but you cannot earn the respect of the people so easily. no wonder he has earned a lot of respect but he still does not lie in the most respected people in the world. i think i would like to be some saint like how mother teressa was or how lady diana worked for the social people even though she was a queen.