Blogs Under Construction: Wait until finished or display it to the public?

United States
September 5, 2007 10:11pm CST
Last week I got started creating my 3-part blog on Blogger, "Library of LXNdria - Dual Sanctuary of Success", and although I got three posts in my main one, I seem to have trouble finding a suitable free file-hosting site that lets users download the specific ebooks and software i've collected for free. Although i'm still tinkering and tweaking my blogs still under construction, my main blog of the DSS (in my profile) consists of news, articles, tips, tricks, and other pieces of info related to the main topics of the blog below in different areas. This is the potpourri of the DSS. The Emerald Library consists of the ebooks, sites and software that become tools to creating online and offline wealth. It also contains useful software not related to money, but has sweet features that I recommend. These include the following categories and in-between: -Affiliate Marketing -Joint Ventures -Paid to Click -Paid to Write -Paid Surveys -Article Marketing -Google Adsense and Adwords -Internet Marketing -Scams to Avoid -Business Strategies -List-Building -Buying and Selling (marketing overall) -...and so on. The Gold Library consists of the ebooks, software and sites pertaining to main knowledge of how to become wealthy and successful. These come in various categories and in between: -Wealth -Health -Motivation -Prosperity -Success -Spiritual Growth -Self-Help/Self-Improvement/Self-Growth -...and so on. So in summary, for those who have blogs, do you wait until you're finished with your blogs, or do you display it to the public as is?
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2 responses
• United States
6 Sep 07
I would have to say to leave it closed until the entire site, or at least a majority of it, is finished. It drives me nuts to go to a site and look for something, only to find the "Coming Soon" pages all over the entire site. There's no point in putting up a site if there's nothing there.
• Romania
6 Sep 07
Well, it depends at what are you thinking when you said unfinished blog. If the blog doesn't have some posts on a clear subject, a nice theme, a contact page and others things like this, I recommend that doesn't make it public, untill it's finished.