Willow tree

@nimwia (29)
United States
September 6, 2007 7:00am CST
I have a willow tree that is almost 2 yrs old.I thought my dog killed it by chewing it so there was only about 2 inches out of the dirt. I have it now in a 15 inch pot and it has grown to about 6 ft in 7 months. I really love this tree. I dont think it can live in the pot for too much longer but I don't know when the best time transplant it into the ground. I live in Virginia on the coast and dont have severe winters, I was tolt now is the best time to put it in the ground, and I was also told the spring. I like the pot because I can move it around and bring it inside if needed. Any one else grown a tree in a pot?
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4 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Sep 07
omg it grew that quickly?! I would LOVE to get a willow tree!! they are my absolute favourite tree but we've not yet since we figured it would take forever to grow LOL I'll have to look into it and whine at my husband a little more LOL
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
6 Sep 07
Willow Tree - Beautiful willow tree
Oh I love willow trees, they are the most beautiful tree, my sister had one in her first home and her kids used it as a cubby house, they could get in under the branches and it was like their own little world but the council suggested they get rid of it as they said the roots were bad for the pipes...that was a beautiful tree....
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Its definently sounds like its getting too big for that pot. I would recomend planting it in early spring after the last frost. I have grown some in pots before until they were large enough to safely transfer. Willows are a pretty hardy tree. You can actually cut the branches and stick them into moist ground & they will continue growing. Basketmakers actually use this method to make their reeds.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I would call your local nursery and ask their advice. You should be able to plant the tree back outside this fall. I love willow trees they are so beautiful.