What topic should I use?

@kennedee (156)
September 7, 2007 4:26am CST
I'm applying for a freelance writer but they are looking for a sample of my writings. Honestly I don't have any but I still want to give it a try. Do you have any suggestions what topic should I write?
6 responses
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
10 Sep 07
Good to know that you are a freelance writer. For whom are you going to write? I think you can start with a any common social problem of your are or in general. May be any health or internet related topic. Best of Luck!
@wz2007 (128)
• China
8 Sep 07
Hi kennedee Suggest you use a romance,turns and twists ,the very incendiary love story is used as the topic.The persons are all the animals of the affection.May move him!You will certainly succeed of !Encourage!Friend whom I dignify!
@TDonald (1421)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Look at the hot discussions right here on MyLot. See if there's anything that would work for you. PM me your email and I'll send you a link to my favorite article idea site.
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Well, i can't tell you something better than what other friends have already told you but what i can say is search any topic used in the blog in mylot or associated content or gather or Helium, these topics are related to small article writing and not just a daily life question what we ask here. You can write a brief story on your recent holiday experience. I write review on a few site, today i wrote one on "The juice I need everyday-Tropicana Pure Premium" and i got several very good gradation for this one. You have to chose a topic and then have to collect all the necessary informations and then represent it properly, so first read some where ever you find a small article in those sites, not just forum topic but some article, reading more and more will improve your writing, it happened to me
@krantib1 (59)
• India
7 Sep 07
Try to use topics related to Day-todays life. Such as Diating is good or bad.? or abt telivisons etc. or go for most happening things on news.
• Malaysia
7 Sep 07
That is why on your previous discussion I have had mention to you about your COMPETENCY. What genre you are well competent. A horror, love, science, politics, sports,..., etc.. I could not give a good and precise topic for you because I don't know your competency. No point having a good topic while the contents fail to be illustrative to the concern topic?. Your topic must have a well subject name and it must not more than eight(8) key words. Which genre are you feel evince for your competency. I can give you the "killer" subject topic but answer that nice question of mine?