How many earnings program do you use in internet?

@nill_07 (1104)
September 9, 2007 7:27am CST
It is out of imagine for most of the internet user that they can really make money usuing internet. For me.. I am involve with two earnings program like mylot and helium. Both are all but similar since both offers earnings through posting. Between then I most like mylot. How many earnings program do you use in internet? Among them which one you like best?
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12 responses
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
9 Sep 07
Mylot is the first and only earning program I have ever used, and I am definitely happy with it. I know many people aren't happy with the earnings, but I'm doing well and have met some great people as well =D
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
9 Sep 07
That is great that you are with mylot. And you are doing well here. I had a beautiful plan about mylot to spread it in Bangladesh still I'm hopefull about that. It may be hard but really posiible to do well from mylot personally I believe that.
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
10 Sep 07
It's great that you wish to spread the 'mylot love' so to speak, very honourable and I wish you the best of luck in this endeavour =D You are doing well yourself. Have a great day =]
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
10 Sep 07
Thanks for your interest. It is nice to hear that I'm doing well here.. good wishes.
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• Philippines
10 Sep 07
funny it may seems but i have 5 earning programs last week. but i just found out that most of the programs that i joined are SCAM, and so i stop using the programs but not looking for another earning programs. :) and now mylot is just one of the earning programs that i have. LOlz
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
10 Sep 07
You may try a easy but legimate i.e not scam website named clixsense. It does not use any payment system (like ..paypal, moneybookers. strompay etc. ) for payment. Minimum payout is $10. You may try for premium membership for which you will earn more from clixsense. The referral link is given bellow.. sign up using this link: Don't be hesitate to ask any question if arise in your mind. Good wishes.
@edigital (2709)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I will not say it as my internet earning because the internet line's rent each we pay is not sufficient rather far from earning each month. In 3 months I could not reach minimum $ 10 earning in mylot. I has in helium but it not interest me. I am in agloco and mylot just to pass time as an ediction and to know other/ different country's peoples and culture. Even I am not interested in friendship with others just its a hobby to surf internet for some knowledge at my old
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
10 Sep 07
Well, you don't think thse as a earning site. Actually you not need to thse as a earning site so far I guess you since you are involved with germents related activities. It is well that you it as a recreation and for gaining knowledge. And it is true that to $10 here is so tough while you have not few active referrals. Good wishes.
• Philippines
9 Sep 07
Hello! I have tried and http://emailcashpro/?r=dorisday1971. I just don't know if they pay. Just check it.
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
10 Sep 07
So far i know about agloco it has failed to keep my attention since still it is in beta position. Thanks for your interest.
• India
9 Sep 07
Up till now i am using mylot only.i enjoy using mylot too. it is the only program i am using to earn money so it may as well be my best site to make money.
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
10 Sep 07
Walking with mylot is really nice. If you can make some active referrals then it will be really a nice earnings website. Thanks for your concentratoin.
@Valce1 (173)
• Canada
9 Sep 07
Dude I have become totally addicted to these random earning programs. They're just cents (mostly) but... well, I guess it's better than playing random games or surfing randomly. I use... helium, associated content, constant content and of course this myLot stuff
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
10 Sep 07
Addiction is not well always. I was addicted before at mylot but it never has brought well for me. So don't be addicted please try to be consistent here then there is a chance to bring a good from here..
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
10 Sep 07
im also making money online ever since i dont know when. =) im involve into many programs: mylot, blogger, AWSurveys, Clixsense, Friendfinder, and im planning to add more acually. before im having a hard time how to manage each of them but i kind of get used to it when now and im having real fun doing it. well congratulations to you and good luck to your programs. have fun. be seein you here at mylot. ;)
@hemalover (829)
• Egypt
9 Sep 07
i use about 3 or 4 sites to earn some money i really dont have big money .. just try to have some .. but its slow .. i wish to earn more money but what can we do ?
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
9 Sep 07
I'm also slow like you. Don't move from the way. I belive if we walk on the way no matter it is slow or fast we will reach at our destination today or tomorrow. Of course all of we will try to be speedy as well as rythomfully.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
10 Sep 07
I'm currently involved in four earning programs here on the internet. I've been in mylot for several months now and I enjoy being here. I'm just trying the three other paying sites, I have joined them several days ago and I hope they are real and not scams.
• Hong Kong
9 Sep 07
I am using mylot and helium mainly and I am loving the sites. I just got on Yuwie and another program called MPM. I love the ideas of the site and I am sure with time, I could make money on those too! I am pretty happy with all the sites I am using for now because each of them is different and it's not boring. Oh, if you want to know more about the sites, feel free to PM me *winks*.
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
9 Sep 07
Already I had watched Yuwie programs but it is well but I am not interested to join on Yuwie. Same case for MPM..
• Hyderabad, India
10 Sep 07
i've joined so many money making programs that i cant even count. but i'm active only on 3 sites including mylot. though my earnings hardly reflect anything i'm enjoying mylot a lot. its a great place and we can expect responses for our questions as ppl are willing to answer just like me. other than mylot i think all other programs i've joined are paying but really boring
@ashsumi (29)
• India
10 Sep 07 u i am also actively involved in my lot....but i am new to this money making would really like to know more about these sites which help us to make money easily.....