How do we earn money in blogging?

@kennedee (156)
September 10, 2007 9:39pm CST
I'm wondering why so many people are noe up to blogging. They say that through it we can also earn money. Does anyone know what blogging is really all about? How can I start up my own blog?
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2 responses
@wz2007 (128)
• China
14 Sep 07
Very sorry my friend,this each subject I can't help you,can this also is I always at consider of problem,hope that you also share with me after having the good answer once,thanks
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
12 Sep 07
I am also not much aware about this issue. I have also heard from some of friends here that we can earn money through blogging. I think if we give some comments on any blog, in some of the sites, then probably, we can earn some amount. Some sites also pay money for writing articles. Do you write articles or something like that? If you get the information, please share it with me.