If you lived across the street from where you work or school how long ...

United States
September 12, 2007 7:30am CST
Would it take you to get ready? I can see the store I work in and get there in like 2 minutes but I have to have my cups of coffee and mylot time before I leave so I get up 2 hours before I have to leave. If I'm really on top of things I'll get myself showered and dressed before I sit at the pc so when I see it's time to leave I can just get up and go. If you lived that close to work or school would you get up extra early to do whatever it is that you do or set your alarm for just enough time to get yourself ready and leave?
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18 responses
@raychill (6525)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I can get ready in about a half hour. If I take a shower, 45 minutes. This includes eating, dressing and putting on makeup. I have to be at work at 8am. I currently work 6.5 miles from my house. I have lot leave at 7:15 to get to work by 8. If I only worked across the street and I had to be there at 8. I could most definitely wake up at 7 am and get there fine!
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• United States
14 Sep 07
Actually, I don't need the time to get myself ready I just need it to relax before I start the day. I can get myself together in no time flat.
• United States
14 Sep 07
I could definitely do it in no time if I wanted to but I need a lot of me time before I go to work.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
14 Sep 07
Not me. Cause the way I look at it... it's just work.
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@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
15 Sep 07
I think I would sleep in longer... I am not sure if I would get up extra early, but early enough to shower and gets things done in the morning
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• United States
8 Oct 07
thanks for best responce =)
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
12 Sep 07
That was actually the case for me for a long time. I litrally lived right across the street from where I worked. I had to be at work everyday at 6:45am so if I didn't feel like eatting breakfast or I didn't want to go to the gym I'd sleep in till about 6:30am. I'd get up, brush my teeth, get dressed and head to work. I'd still get there with time to spare.
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• United States
14 Sep 07
It's great if I get up late but I hate being rushed in the morning and need time for myself.
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
yes i would do that too if i know there is no way i could get late..but as of me, i travel 1 hour just to get to work..since i promise my boss i wont be late and i had disputes about it i get up 4 hours before work..fix myself then leave the house 1 and half hour before my time at work..see to it i wont be late..its better to wait for few minutes rather than be late..i don't wanna break my promise just to disappoint my boss..i wish i was just that near..
• United States
14 Sep 07
I'm sure I'll never be late to this job! I can see it from my window.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
13 Sep 07
Until I met my husband,I always put my alarm on just in time. But I've seen the virtue of starting an hour or more ahead of time. He relaxes before he goes to work and has extra time built in, just in case there is construction, an accident, or any reason to be rerouted. With the cost of gas, I'd love to live that close. We live 45 mins. from our jobs. Take care
• United States
14 Sep 07
Living so close to work is great for me since I don't drive.
@maybebaby (1230)
• Canada
13 Sep 07
I live about 2 blocks from my job and its the greatest thing ever. I still get up about 1.5 hours before I have to leave but I like to relax and do things slow in the morning instead of being in a rush. I like a long hot shower, especially in winter. Saves a lot on gas though.
• United States
14 Sep 07
I'm the same way...I not only want time in the morning but I need it for myself.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Sep 07
I would try to get up early, but I would end up just having enough time to get ready and leave - I like to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock.
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• United States
12 Sep 07
When I was working full time and had long days of work ahead of me I went through mor alarm clocks because after hitting snooze a couple of time I would end up throwing the clock across the room...lol...
@sunshinecup (7871)
12 Sep 07
I reckon if I lived across the street it would take me 3 hours. That is 2 hours to reply to all my friends here at mylot in the morning while I have coffee, take a shower and get dressed. I am up very early in the day, but I am slow at getting moving, LOL.
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• United States
12 Sep 07
I'm the same way. I can get up early but getting out that door is another story!
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I can be ready in under 15 minutes, but I feed the dogs, play with the dogs, check the email, maybe walk the dogs, mae a nice breakfast. An hour would be good.
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• United States
12 Sep 07
I think I can physically be ready in 15 minutes but my problem is getting mentally ready. That takes me a long time and 15 minutes is not enough.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
12 Sep 07
i live about a half an hour from where i work but i have to get up early because i have to get my two kids ready for school. also i like to go on mylot and check my facebook and mail before i go to work because i dont always have time to go on these at work.
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• United States
12 Sep 07
Oh, yes I remember the days of getting kids ready for school. I actually miss those days...lol...
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I think I would still get up early so i can have my coffee fix, eat breakfast, check my email, send a few emails, answer a few discussions, shower, get changed and then get ready to go. HOWEVER, there will be days where I may just sleep in and leave at the last minute - that would be Mondays and Fridays LOL
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• United States
12 Sep 07
I have to do all those things too before I can get started. The good thing is that I only work 4 days a week!
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
12 Sep 07
It would all depend upon the day, ctry. Some days I rise with optimism to spare, but on other days I feel as though all I would like to do is stay in bed and pull the covers over my hear. I do love rising early, though. There is something that is fresh and new about the day and I always do better when I get an early start.
• United States
12 Sep 07
I prefer getting an early start to sleeping in too. Granted, I don't always wake up with a smile but at least I'm up and at 'em.
@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
16 Sep 07
I live five minutes from work and I use my cell phone to wake me so that I can go through my routines like studying, my devotion and doing some last minute checking of my daughter's school bag. I am mostly early for work but there are times when I call ahead and let them know I will be a bit late. I am an early person though.
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@jep983 (50)
12 Sep 07
I would get up about an hour before I went to work and have a shower and take it easy. I like to wake up a bit before I start work anyway. I couldn't just wake up and 10 minutes later leave for work.
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• United States
12 Sep 07
I am the same way. A lot of people can just get up and get themselves into work. Not me! I need my "me" time before I start a day of work.
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
28 Oct 07
I regularly respond to my responses before but I stop doing that. It doesn’t really mean that I don’t care of what they said about my discussion, I’m more like responding to other discussion right now. I have tried so many ways just to be active here in mylot since I became a member. I wanna try lots of ways to be able to help the site grow and have fun. Sometimes I get back to a discussion I posted that is very important to me and see what people has to say about it.
@limcyjain (3516)
• India
16 Sep 07
I can surely see the benifits of being close to my workplace but not in the time i sleep but extra time for other activities. I would continue to get up early as usual and do my daily activites including my prayers and morning exercises or walk and use the extra time i save due to the target being close to me for other activities like spending some more of my time on the net.
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@eprado (1467)
• Philippines
15 Sep 07
Hello ctrymuziklvr, If I lived across the street from where I work It would take me about 45minute to an hour to get ready. Even though its just across the street I'd like to wake up an hour early so I can take my time to get myself ready for work. I'll get myself showered after I wake up then have a nice breakfast with a cup of coffee. Sit for a while, watch the morning news then off and walk to work. :-)
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
14 Sep 07
After now when I really like spend a time here on my lot I would do it probably the same way like you.
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