Who has watched an episode of Power Rangers?

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers! - The almighty Power Rangers! Spent many a day curled on my beanbag watching this show.
@aureliaz (1177)
October 27, 2006 7:06am CST
Be honest people. I was a die-hard fan of the first season, you know the one with the dinosaurs? I'd jump off the stool I'd climb up on together with the Rangers in the opening theme song. Loved the Pink Ranger - I remember crying when she left~ Oh and I wanted to cry when I heard the vietnamese actress who played the original yellow Ranger got killed in a car accident.
2 responses
• United States
7 Nov 06
yes i have and i still do with my boys.
• United States
7 Nov 06
kool fish - this picture is so nice
yeah i do i love power rangers
@aureliaz (1177)
• Singapore
15 Nov 06
Wow you sound like a cool mum~ Thanks for the response, I gave you a +
@Riah50 (672)
• United States
7 Nov 06
Im not so sure I could sit through an episode..unless I had kids or my nephews were around.
@aureliaz (1177)
• Singapore
15 Nov 06
Lol point taken~ Thanks for the response, + for you