PTCs that actually pay

@teflon09 (208)
September 13, 2007 5:03pm CST
Hi all, I compiled a list of a few PTC sites that actually paid its members.. I've done a lot of web research to ascertain the fact that all of them have paid.. If anyone is interested to join them or just see em, you can, on my "Profile page".. I've no feedback on Englandbux and powerbux both are very good paying sites atleast from what they say.. but I've no feedback as yet.. Englandbux claims to have made the first payouts though.. I added Daddybux under the brandnew category..I heard that It paid as well and is adding more capacity to its site in terms of webtraffic.. Well, please comment on the list.. If anyone is interested I would post more of them on my profile page after thoroughly researching them.. Your feedback encourages me to find more honest paying sites.. and Yep, All international members can join all these sites.. Thanks very much Mike
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4 responses
@ArmyChick (488)
• United States
14 Sep 07
thanks for this information. i will look at your profile and check out your page. if im not already a member, ill sign up under you
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@teflon09 (208)
• India
14 Sep 07
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@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
13 Sep 07
hey, thanks for the nice information. I belive many of us will visit your profile and join some. I am interested for England bux and the last one , what I forgot , pay by eoru, but as there is not yet any feed back so I will wait and if you get any feed back i will check later and join. definite. I also do some by myself and they are great, so if you need to add some more, they pay every and ay time and atleast once a week, so Pm me i will be glad to give you the detail
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@teflon09 (208)
• India
13 Sep 07
Sure I'll definitely pass on the info once I get to know it.. The one you are looking for is is that pays in Euros.. I'm planning to expand the list and keep only the honest ones.. Thanks for your response..
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@paidreader (5143)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I've joined DaddyBux and PowerBux but haven't reached enough for a first payout on either site. In recent days I've gotten some signups for DaddyBux, so hopefully I'll soon be able to confirm that they pay with a payout proof.
13 Sep 07
Thanks for sharing this information!
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@teflon09 (208)
• India
13 Sep 07
Thanks buddy..
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