This is soooo FUNNY! It is amazing how we take knowledge for grantid.

United States
September 16, 2007 11:59am CST
As most of you know, I work with mentally and physically handicapped individuals.. I was working one night last week, and the gentelman that I wrok with was throwing a fit when I came in. I asked him what was wrong and he just kept telling me that his fu%^ing coffe pot was broke.. I kept asking him why he was saying that, and he just kept repeating this statement. I finally got it out of him why he thought it was broke. He told me he had to throw away 3 coffee filters full of coffe because the stupid pot kept getting water on the grounds. He kept getting the grounds wet, and was thinking that the coffe pot was broke because of it. So I tried to explain to him that they have to get wet other wise you would just have hot water. He didn't understand. Have you ever just taken your knowledge for grantid? Have you ever had someone not understand something that you thought was just so simple?
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6 responses
• United States
16 Sep 07
Yeah i think your right. I think a lot of people take knowledge for granted. I know i have seen others get frustrated and down right mad because someone doesnt understand the concept of something. We should learn to have more patience and try to explain things. And like i have said before we should never take anything for granted. You never know what could happen tomorrow. You could lose what you have just like that.
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• United States
16 Sep 07
I understand where you are coming from, I have had it happen.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
17 Sep 07
I also used to work with mentally and physically handicapped people and loved it every day nev adventure. I love helping them but I have so many stories. I have learned so many things from them that I now view the world in different light. Also with my son he has mild autism to have him around you opens your eyes to things that we asume its simple and easy.
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• United States
17 Sep 07
Don't get me wrong I love my job, and I love my clients, but man that was just weird the way it hit me like dam^ I just take for granted the I know that the coffee has to get wet... TY
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• Australia
18 Sep 07
I know what you are saying I have worked with handicapped people for about 4 years and I know all that. Most of them would learn a thing and it has to be done that way and any other way is wrong way of doing it any wrong thing and here goes whole day.
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• United States
18 Sep 07
Yeah, believe me I know we have had bad weeks because of one wrong thing happening. That really does put a damper on things, but hey that's just the breaks of the game. TY
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@ghazal2k5 (920)
• India
17 Sep 07
Ya. My girlfriend. lol...There are many things so simple but still its so hard to make her understand. Its like talking to an alien. But its still fine. I take out the joy of life from such things.
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• United States
17 Sep 07
LOL.. Does she know you say that about her?LOL I am glad to hear that you and her get along so well.. TY
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• United States
17 Sep 07
Poor guy. People do take things like knowledge for granted. I guess its because its like second nature to us and we dont understand why some people dont have it. Just like we take for granted that we are not disfigured or born with a handicap. We stare at others because we dont understand it. I babysit a little boy who has autism. He is a very good boy but just dosent understand the simplest things like put your shoes on. Hes three and a half and dosent know how. I dont feel bad for these people. They are very good people and just do things and learn things diffrently. They dont know anyother way.
• United States
17 Sep 07
I am not saying that he is a bad person, or that he is stupod persay, but it was just funny when I thought about how much I take for granted knowing that the coffee has to get wet for it to work.
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• Philippines
20 Sep 07
Hi there, what's been up to lately buddy? Well, i have encountered some people like that and the thing is, they are not mentally retarded or whatever, they are just imbecile i think. Coz whenever i talk to those people, and try to explain things that i know that for many people will find it easy, but then they can't catch up things. I don't know why, maybe they are also slow learner, probably imbecile, yet moron. Anyway, i hope that there's only few people who's like that in this World. Have a nice day ahead a happy posting and earning here in Mylot and Godspeed. Kiko
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• United States
21 Sep 07
I think there are a few people that are just slow at learning things, but it is amazing that we take things like learning so quickly for granted, and it is not nice to say mean things about these people, no matter how true they are.. LOL
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• United States
16 Sep 07
Isn't it amzing that the simplest thing can be so baffling! I work in a food processing plant as the lead on the floor. I have had operators have a problem eith their machine, where it stops and they can't get it going again. Their first response is to call for the mechanic. I have asked them to call me before they call the mechanic because sometimes it is just a matter of "pushing the button" to get the machine to start up again. They forget that the machine will shut off when it can't function because of a problem. So, "push the button" and the machine starts up!! WAHLA!! The machine is up and running, the mechanic is not upset because he came to the line for no reason, management is happy because we are up and running again....
• United States
16 Sep 07
I hear ya... That is kinda funny too. And I LOVE the name. TY
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