How personal is myLot to you

@pillusch (1147)
September 18, 2007 7:06pm CST
A couple of weeks back I started a discussion about parental love. I was quoting Erich Fromm, who said that maternal love is unconditional, whereas paternal love is conditional, and I agreed with him. Boy, did that ever set off a storm. But I don't want to revive that particular discussion here. I was just surprised about some of the responses. There was a lady who said that she didn't dare show this to her husband because it would spoil his Sunday afternoon! I was dumbstruck. Here I am, some ordinary, maybe mistaken fellow in the south of Mexico, expressing an admittedly controversial opinion, and people get upset? How come? They don't even know me, again, I might be wrong. But getting all worked up because of some topic in myLot (or any other forum for that matter) just seems weird to me. There are literally thousands of people here, with thousands of opinions. Why take them all, or even some of them, personal. My question to you: How personal do you take what's written here? Do you get upset when reading things you don't agree with? Or are you just having some fun?
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3 responses
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Everyone has an opinion. Often it is not the same as mine. I didn't see your post. I don't know what the tone of it was. If the tone was like this, then I don't have a problem with it. I get upset when people are confrontational or hateful. Some of the topics on mylot are personal. Some that don't even start out that way become that way. If you read some of my resent questions, esp. Groundhog's Day, you can see how a topic that you didn't think would be really personal, maybe somewhat personal can become extremely personal. As for your original topic. Depends on the family. I've seen it the other way around, or families with two of one or two of the other (i.e. 2 conditional or 2 unconditional). Now adays, any family that has 2 parents, in my country, that live together and can get mad at you at the same time are doing well! Mostly, I'm having fun. Esp. responding to the "If you were a ______________, what would you be?" In the blank could be an animal, a form of transportation, etc. I would say you are a dispassionate writer. Most of us here can be dispassionate about some things and not about others. You said plenty when you said it was admittedly controversial, that right there should let you know that some people will get an attitude. I take mean and hateful opinions personally because the person targets someone to be mean and hateful to. Also there is a lot of trouble caused by this in America right now. People who have had people be mean to them all their lives, real or perceived, start shooting huge numbers of people. Besides life is too short to put up with mean and hateful people. Luckily, most people on Mylot are very king. Take care
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
19 Sep 07
That was supposed to be the word, "kind," people on mylot are very kind, not king. My typing is getting worse instead of better.
@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
19 Sep 07
But you are still doing a good job! Thanks for your thoughtful reply
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• United States
19 Sep 07
I don't get upset when I read things I disagree with, and I don't get upset if people disagree with me, but it does amaze to see people act hatefully through their words. There are a few on here that I have noticed that do that kind of thing - they attack you for your opinion. Most times I do respond with my opinion, or how I feel, not because I am uneducated, but because I am not here to be graded on my writing skills. I am here just because, for fun. So when someone attacks me, I tend to through it aside in my mind and not really worry about it too much. Don't let it discourage you, I try not to. Respond if you feel like, but always try to be the better person. That makes me feel good usually. If I am behaving like a mature adult, then I know I am still okay, and it is the other person who has issues of their own. See, like I said, no facts really, just opinions and feelings, but that is how I usually write on here. SO yup, that's what I do! Good luck to you!
@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
19 Sep 07
I just had somebody this morning implying that I hadn't taken my medicne. What medicine? Whatever, I just don't respond at all to their baiting, it would mean I'd lower myself to their level. Thanks for your post.
• Philippines
25 Sep 07
Hi there, what's been up to lately buddy? Well ill go for "IM JUST HAVING SOME FUN" lol No seriously, whenever i am getting a discussion or response that i think it's opposite of what i am believe in, still i tend to listen and know their views as i am an open minded person and i love knowing things with different angle, you know what im sayin man? Have a nice day ahead and happy posting and earning here in myLot. Godspeed, Kiko