have you ever had a fight with your brother

September 19, 2007 3:18am CST
WHEN I was just a very young lad I think am only 13 at that, that happens when we have a basketball game in our neighbor. because the tension of our game reaches to the point were have a little misuderstand with my basketball opponent. That is why it turn out that my brother interfere the game.thats the time that we stared to fight. but unfortunately I got hit in the face and had a black eye. ......too bad but after that happen we become closer like never before a brother in the flesh and my bestfriend What about you. DO YOU HAVE YOUR EXPERIENCE THAT YOU MADE YOURE FIGTH
1 response
@sephrenia (567)
19 Sep 07
hey there, I think all siblings have a fight now and then, its just a part of growing up. Saying that, there are some who take it too far like that girl who was in the news because she stabbed her sister over a boyfriend. When I was younger me and my brothers were always fighting. I dont know if it was because I was the only girl or because I was the eldest but i sure as heck remember some stupid stuff we did like my brother chased me round the house with a hockey stick because i was calling him a girl for some reason, so I chased him in return with a hammer. Another time, my youngest brother stabbed me in the ankle with a pencil because I nicked his sweets as a laugh. I really dont know how my mother survived us growing up especially as she was single from when I was 7 yrs old and up. Thankfully she did and me and my brothers dont fight any more lol we're pretty good friends now and have a laugh about just how crazy we really were when we were younger.