Are you an aromatherapy user? What is your favourite essential oil?

September 19, 2007 11:33am CST
In your everyday life, how important to you is smell? Do you own an oil burner, have massages with scrumptious smelling blends or soak in an aromatic bath? If you answered yes to any of these questions.... why, when and what is your favourite essential oil and what are your reasons behind using them? Are they for your body, mind or spirit... or all three? My favourite oil is definately lavendar oil because the smell is devine and it is a natural anticeptic as well as being a great soother to mosquito bites. I also love its calming effect and that the flower that it is extracted from is purple (which happens to be my favourite colour). Where abouts do you buy your oils? I get mine from a spirtual shop and enjoy being able to play around and blend together all sorts of mixes with the testers available. Do you like to blend different oils together or do you like a plain focused scent? I went to an aromatherapy quick course tonight and it was so interesting!
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4 responses
@nancyrowina (3850)
19 Sep 07
I like Lavender because it's calming and can help you to sleep and I suffer from insommnia. I also use Rosemary quite a lot as it's an anti depressant and I also suffer with depression.
• Australia
19 Sep 07
Rosemary is great for use in depression. Apparently if you are experiencing a moment when you are really down and you can't pull yourself out of the depths of depression you should put one drop (only) neat (witnout being in a carrier oil) on your scalp on the crown (top) of your head it will help you become more aligned so that you can find the strength to spur yourself on. If you have trouble sleeping marjoram mixed with lavender and a little rose oil(2 drops of lavender, 1 drops of rose and 3 drops of marjoram) will help you relax enough to get into 'sleep mode'. It makes you feel cruisy and eleviates worry. Do I sound like I know what I am talking about?!? I have to use my new information at work today, should be fun :) Thanks for your comment.
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@lexxbabe (10)
• New Zealand
27 Jan 08
I love Lavender but can't use it as it drops my blood pressure and can make me pass out. My favourite oil would have to be Ylang ylang, I love it in a bath its very sensual. I also put three drops of tea tree in my bath after I gave birth it helped with the healing and pain from tearing. I but my oils from health shops or when I feel up to it will make my own. I love Massage oils too and use either grapeseed oil or avocado oil as a base oil.
@cblackink (969)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I also like lavender and use it quite a bit. I do tend to like some of the heavier essences though also. I like sandalwood, myrrh and amber oil, although frankly I don't know enough about aromatherapy to explain what the uses of those particular oils are. They just make me feel good.
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@noriko (1254)
22 Oct 07
camoumile, and also eucalyptus.
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