How often do you visit MyLot????

September 22, 2007 5:15am CST
I'm just curious how much time do myloters spend in sharing discussions, posting new images and just participating in the discussions here. I, myself, admit that I dont usually got the chance to visit MyLot since I still need to focus myself on my studies. The only time I have the chance to visit MyLot is during the weekends and Im glad that by then Im not disturb by anything else and I got myself focus on Mylot. What about you how often do you visit MyLot??? How much time do you spend each day on mylot???
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26 responses
@hailie17 (448)
22 Sep 07
I probably spend about an hour a day on MyLot. It helps me relax when i get home from work, before i get started on whatever it is i need to do in the house. At weekends i'd say i spend 2hours each day but that's split up throughout the day.
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Oh..looks like you're really a very busy fellow. Actually even though I only have the chance to visit mylot on weekend I spend almost the whole day here. ^_^
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
22 Sep 07
It depends really. I was active and doing it daily when I first started. Then went through several months of a break and then was active for a month or so, then became inactive and suddenly, I realised that I was approaching the $10 pay out limit so started working hectically on Mylott in the last month in an effort to get the pennies squeezed out. Have to been so desparate to get my first online money into paypal, I've been clocking about 10 post a night.
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
thats the same on what im doing too..I hope I will soon reach that 10$ payout :D
• United States
22 Sep 07
I spend everyday on mylot. I also reply to disscussions. I sometimes start disscussions. Many of my disscussions usually have only one reply to it.
• Philippines
21 Oct 07
lol that is to scarce.. anyway if thats the only time you have then enjoy.. :D
• United States
22 Sep 07
to tell the truth i started out about 2 months ago and forgot all about it for a while until now so i used to go on like once a week but now its more like i dont know maybe once a day.
@kishusia (1066)
• India
22 Sep 07
My computer is on throughout the day. Sometime mylot, sometime some other site. I am member on many sites. In between I keep attending to my household work.
• Philippines
21 Oct 07
Oh ok..
@youless (112243)
• Guangzhou, China
22 Sep 07
If it is possible, I will visit Mylot everyday. I try to post something everyday and keep active here.
• Philippines
21 Oct 07
thats nice.. keep up the good work :D
@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I come to myLot almost every day, and spend usually about an hour a day reading news and discussions, accepting friend requests, responding to discussions, and making comments.
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
ok thats great
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
I've been here for almost three days only. Since I am new, obviously I am still working it out to make it here. So I really spend all my free time here. Doing all the stuff to earn an extra for myself. And learn something new from others' ideas.
• Philippines
4 Oct 07
Well then I hope you'll have a great time here and enjoy. ^_^
• United States
4 Oct 07
I usually look at MyLot about once a day, but I don't normally stick around to post. Today, I just happened to be bored enough to stick around for a little while--nothing else going on, and I'm not awake enough to start doing any serious writing yet.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
21 Oct 07
I visit mylot every day unless I am on travel. I have been active on Mylot every day after my work and it is part of my spare-time hobby. I would feel something that has not yet been finished yet without mylotting for some time on Mylot.
@laurika (4532)
• United States
21 Oct 07
Almost every day.I am not here only if I am soewhere lese instead of my home and don't have my laptop with me.i don't work so I am spending my time online most of the time.I spend every day about 3 hours here or maybe more.I came at first for the money but I stay for the friends and new informations I can gain here.It is really nice community and probably the best site.I didn't find anything better yet.
@HADDOWZ (1469)
22 Sep 07
I usually only spend about ten to twenty minutes here at myLot. It's all the time I can spare and that's not everyday. At the weekends I try to spare more time to updating my responses to discussions or starting new topics for the week to come. I wish I could devote more time but unfortunately this does not pay well enough to cover the household bills, so I must continue to do a boring 9 - 5 job. Are you here for the money or the social side ??
• Philippines
4 Oct 07
well thats a really a bit of time. But you're right people here should not only depend on the earning they could get from myLot. People should still continue to work doing their regular jobs. And as for me im just doing this actually for social side and a bit of extra money...hehehe :D
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
22 Sep 07
If I have time to sit in front of my computer, I will definitely visit mylot website and try as much as I can to join on some interesting discussion.But I can not make any target about how many post that I can do in a day, since it's getting hard with two little children running around in the house to make a post here.
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
I guess you're right. having kids is not that easy, well that is what I could observe from my mom at least. As what I could see when Im watching her I rarely see her relax or find some time for herself. Well I would just like to say good luck to your mylot days and to your kids :D
@chym1101 (169)
• China
23 Sep 07
Hello,twowizdom! I am a rookie in mylot! I entered it just five days ago. So I am not entitled to say 'how often...' hehe. I am a graduate and busy now.But I have a good habit of getting up early. So I come to the library ahead of an hour everyday. And I immerse myself in it for one hour to browse topics I am interested in and participate in some discussions. How one hour flies!
@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
23 Sep 07
I just registered here approximately 3 days ago. Since, I am a full-time housewife right now while waiting for my greencard, basically I am here at mylot for 4-6hrs a day especially when my husband is at work. I am so happy to find this site coz aside from it will make me earn some bucks, it will also help me eliminate my boredom.
• Finland
22 Sep 07
I registered yesterday so I am quite new to this site. But it impressed me. So I guess I will try to visit it everyday during my spare time:)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Well good luck to you then. i hope you would enjoy your stay here in Mylot ^_^
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
23 Sep 07
I log on everyday...I have my computer on all the time and mylot on one tab..
• India
23 Sep 07
Ya as you said when i was a +2 student [last year ] I hardly logged in to mylot , but since i'm in vaccation now , i am logging in mylot a lot . But only till 26th because my proffesional course starts from 26th . Then as you said we have to give our focus to studies . It will hard .
• Malaysia
23 Sep 07
when i first started joining mylot, i logged on everyday. now when i think about it, i wonder how i managed to do so. on working days i don't get to go on mylot so i try to go on mylot during the weekends if i don't have any plans, that is. nowadays due to my busy schedule i'm unable to logon to mylot as much as i used to and as much as i want to. probably a couple of times in a month only T_T
• United States
23 Sep 07
Im usually on mylot a couple hours a day. I usually only post one discussion of my own a week. I usually get on in the morning and then again when i get home from work. If i have the day off then im usually on mylot much longer. I basically just participate in discussions more because my discussions doesnt seem to get much feedback.
@sriki2526 (179)
• India
23 Sep 07
On an average 30 min a day in weekdays.... On weekends 1 hr .. being here just for fun..
• China
23 Sep 07
I was the same to you before,but now i have more time than before .I knew mylot yesterday ,but i believe that i will spend much time each day on mylot. I think it is very good to me .Firstly,it can make my english improved. Secondly,i want to make money more ,because i want it so much..