have to leave for several months

fly for my dream - now i am preparing my self introduction,but it is really hard for me to do that,coz when i look back,i found ive wasted most of my time doing useless things,how can i say that in my introduction.now regret is not useful at all.
@yanstill (1490)
September 23, 2007 8:49am CST
next three months is very important period in my life,i will graduate from school next year,and now it is time for me to find a full-time job.you know,it's really not easy to find a job now,not to mention a good job. so my first goal now is to find a job,and then a good job.so maybe i cant log into mylot as usual and i am sorry i guess i may not have mood to respond to topics,much pressure now,and i have to pay attention to those websites about careers and job findings,i need to prepare for my resume and learn how to behave in an interview.i really dont like these things,but i have to face it,how time flies,i still remember the first day i came to my college,with hope. wish me good luck.:) and all of you.
6 people like this
10 responses
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 07
Hi dear, yanstill, firstly I would like to congratulate you as you are going to be a graduate. It’s quite normal for a new graduate to worry about getting job especially an ideal job. On this matter I would like to wish you all the best to get a good job in anticipation. Don’t worry gal, when the time comes any hardship could be solved through effort and persistency. During that time interruption at mylot is inevitable. In the course of seeking job, I understand that you will then suffer much pressure and uneasiness. When everything is settled down you will then enjoy the happiness of life again. Of course nobody likes to be interviewed but it’s a form of normal procedure for selection of employees. At the present moment I suggest you need to concentrate on your preparation to get a job. I understand that the competition for jobs is extremely strong in your country. I hope that there will be more vacancies in time to come as your country is developing at a tremendous speed. Don’t worry about temporary leaving away from mylot. All friends here will support and remember you. Mylot is good in the sense that it is a proper place for you to express your emotion, to release your tension and regain your peacefulness and confidence through friends’ moral support. Wish you the best Best BEST of luck, my dear friend, yanstill.
@yanstill (1490)
• China
27 Sep 07
thank you Lkbooi,and all my friends here.i'll prepare myself for those terrible interviews.wish you all good luck.
1 person likes this
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 07
You are most welcome yanstill. Thanks for the best response. Wish you again, the best of luck my dear friend. Bye...
@grestips (155)
• China
27 Sep 07
oh my friend,firstly,i will say to good luck to you and i wish you can get a good job later.i can understand your notion ,feeling,and mood now ,as i have experienced it two years ago.at that time ,i would graduated from collage soon,and was seeking the job then.i joined many job inviting meeting and got some interview.but no one i can be satisfied or satisfy me.but ,i thought to stick will be seccess.so ,i got my first job when graduating,even if i found that job is not suitable to me. so friend,do not lose confidence,and take easy,i believe you will find a good job shortly.lol...
1 person likes this
• China
12 Oct 07
have you got a good job now ? i also just start my first job.
@angelicEmu (1311)
24 Sep 07
I wish you the best of luck Yanstill! I know you'll get a great job, and do tremendously well :-) And when you have time to ask/answer questions, it'll be lovely to hear from you again. I completely understand your need to prioritise your time, and it's a wise choice for you to focus on your studies and work prospects. All the best, and take care!
@subathra (3519)
• India
24 Sep 07
dear yanstill, time runs so fast..i hope you prepare well to face the interview to be placed in a good job.A full time job is more important to your life and career.Good to see a youngster having such a great motive in life.I wish you all sucess and best of luck always.
1 person likes this
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Sep 07
Yes, I know there will be a new challenge for you as a new graduate. I hope you will be lucky to find a good job. Look forward to hearing from your good news soon.
1 person likes this
25 Sep 07
just like me i will graduate from school too,i have find a job,my uncle helped me do so.but it is not a good job.i will get a job all by myself. through it is really hard.i will try,no,i have to get a job i like wish gd help me last mouth i went to a school.there are so many companies.but there are more students.so many people.i was waiting for 2 hours,standing in the sun,i know it is just the beginning
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@yanjiaren (9031)
29 Oct 07
Oh I am so sorry I missed this post..You are a lovely friend and I will surely miss you..I hope God brings you the best in good fortune and success..and if you ever reasd this mailplease dosend me a pm..never cut us off.I can alsosend you my email adfdy so we can still write..My love also to your family.. take care your jiejie ..
@bluewings (3857)
23 Sep 07
Good luck Yanstill.Hope you get your dream job soon and become famous too,lol.
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
23 Sep 07
Thanks for your sincere statement and I know your career must take first. And don't worry make heed and make hay for your future grant life. :::michael:::
1 person likes this
• China
22 Mar 08
Two years ago I met the same thing as you,but when I experienced I found its easier than I thought.This promble evey of us would meet.So dont worry .