Haven't dream your soulmate?

September 23, 2007 7:51pm CST
Well to tell you, I dreamt a girl couples of month ago theres a woman who walked beside me while raining. Its something romantic and its unbelievable. But the problem is, her face is so dimm and I cant figure who she is. Until now Im just thinking who she is since Im single and no ...hmmmm....loveone. Have you experience that as of mine?
1 response
@g3raldin3 (169)
• Philippines
24 Sep 07
i have dreamed of this guy before, almost everyday. at first, his face is so blurred and when i woke up, couldn't remember the face anymore. until there was like 3 nights that i already saw his face clearly. i dont know the guy and haven't met him before. then i stopped dreaming of that guy for almost one month. he didn't visited in my dreamland anymore. then one day, while i am on my way to ride the company bus, i saw this man staring intently at me. that place and the guy was so familiar to me. all day long, i've been thinking where did i saw that guy. then that night, i dreamed of that guy who always appeared on my dreams. he was exactly the guy i saw near our company bus. i thought he was then the guy for me. since that guy was a newly employed in our company, i began researching about him. i found out that he was already married. i realized then that the guy in my dreams will just just always be the bf i have in my little dreamland. by the way, that guy became a very good friend of mine.