i'm ready for starting a new day !!

@nill_07 (1104)
September 25, 2007 7:19pm CST
a new day is like a new life. i'm always late but this is today i was waitting for this moment and it is 6.16am. it is about a long days i was missing the child sun but this is today i was waitting for born of sun. wish best the day. good luck everybody!!
2 responses
@UNPINOY (361)
• Philippines
26 Sep 07
the sun is shining bright on you my friend. to look forward to sunrise signifies great hope. majestic....continue on....and great days ahead of you! keep smiling now my friend! perry
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
26 Sep 07
That's my great pleaser.. it is ongoing night. At this moment here 3:53pm. All praise to the pervade almighty who had given me success for the day. Wish a bright new day.
@UNPINOY (361)
• Philippines
27 Sep 07
Yes, Nill! The Great Almighty always right here with us...to guide, to comfort, to provide....how we value our lives is our way of thanking the ONE and ONLY GOD. keep smiling my friend, your best smiles....Perry
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
27 Sep 07
Therer is a great habit for you that is keeping smiling. No doubt smiling is a good characteristics. But it should be fresh smile and then only then fresh enjoyment will be figure out.
@grestips (155)
• China
27 Sep 07
hi friend,also i wish you have a nice time for everyday.yes you are right that a new day is the new life.so we should have a good state to face our life and each new day.and we should have a strong thought that everything will be well and torrow will be better.good luck ,everybody!
1 person likes this
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
27 Sep 07
A new day may be a special from your ever life. Everything might come on your finger; your dreams might exceeds it's expectation getting in real all these are possible for a new day. We should keep special attention for every new day who knows it may be the full or final day of my life.