Is your better half supporting your Avon business?

United States
September 26, 2007 4:30am CST
My husband is not supporting me at all and has even told me to quit becuase I am not making any money. I have been selling it for 1 1/2 years and no I have not made any money but I like doing it and I think he is jelous of the fact that I am happy doing something. But he sure takes all the deductions at tax time. It took us from a negative to a positive last year. I never saw 1 red cent of the refund either. This year I am filing seperate. hugs
4 responses
@jeanniemay (1798)
• Philippines
11 Oct 07
Hi Bambi, my mom is in a similar situation with you about 20 years ago. My father will always tell my mom (nurse) if she is earning with Avon. My mom never see it as a hindrance but rather a big challenge and an opportunity to earn more. Now, it paid of. She is working full time with Avon. Why not try to become a sales leader. Share and sell! The more you share it to, the more you earn. Spread the love!
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Bambi, I am so sorry your husband is not supporting you and your Avon business. It takes time to build a business, and to become really successful. Are you in leadership? I am a UL. working on becoming AUL. With my goal to someday be a SEUL. It does not happen over night, and anything worth having, takes work and time. Good luck and have a wonderful Avon day.
@kcbabez14 (967)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Mu husband does support me and if your husband isn't tell him to mind his own business. if he don't like it but likes taking your taxes then i'd tell him to do it himself if he thinks that he can do a better job. Don't let him push you around.
26 Sep 07
I know what you mean I have a husband who thinks he knows it all. He is pretty set on me quitting but I have no intention of it.....I am already depressed and to quit would make it worse........this is what I love.