Does anyone else think this is gross?

United States
September 27, 2007 9:44pm CST
A truck overturned in Kentucky. It spilled rotten hot dogs, sausages and other processed meats onto the highway. It was headed to a company that specialized in recycling animal and bakery byproducts. OK...this is just me...but how do you recycle rotten hot dogs and what would you do with them?
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4 responses
@AmbiePam (86628)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I would assume fertilizer. It's amazing what they can use now days.
3 people like this
• United States
29 Sep 07
I'd rather see it used for fertilizer than what some are guessing! Just as long as they aren't recycling it for human consumption. That makes me ill just thinking about it. Maybe that's why some canned dog food smells so badly.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Sep 07
recycle them into pet food then blame china when the dogs begin to die!
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Sep 07
I am of the personal opinion that we are getting what we deserve with all this talk of lead paint. for years these companies have been moving all the production to china, taking away jobs here, to save money. It's kind of a serves you right deal for them don't you think?
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Sep 07
carpenter you may have a point there i never thought of it that way
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Oct 07
My brother in law lost his job 10 years ago, when his company closed the plant in Oregon and moved their operations to China, because labor was cheaper. Thankfully, his family was willing and able to relocate and he got another job with another company and is doing well. There are many though who lost everything they had before they found other employment.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
It would not be for eating, but I sure hope they do not put these animal byproducts in the hay and feed that cattle eat. That would be disgusting.
• United States
29 Sep 07
Oh...that is a scenerio that I hadn't thought of. I certainly hope that this is not the case. I'm sure this truckload got thrown out, since it was mixed with diesel fuel, and tar from the road.
@mi2ok02 (406)
• United States
1 Oct 07
compost? Animal feed? Who knows but I don't think they would let it stay in the human food chain. Oh Lord, I hope so! LOL! That must have smelled really bad in that area!!
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• United States
1 Oct 07
I found this news article on the "weird news that didn't make the news" site that I absolutely just roll reading some of the things on there. But, the day after I posted this, the article was in our daily paper here in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Evidently, it got picked up by the national news wire!