Flat Tire

@caver1 (1762)
United States
September 28, 2007 11:55am CST
When I was dropping my kids at school today, a man pointed out my almost flat tire. Great! I stopped at the first gas station to air it up and hopefully get home. The air was not working. Tried to call my husband to say "What to do", but the pay phone was possessed and would not take my money. Drove to the gas station near my home that also has a repair garage and asked them to fix the tire. As luck would have it, they can not repair the tire. I need a new one. So, I just asked the repair man to put on the spare and I will let my husband handle it. Hope you all have a nice day!
7 responses
• United States
29 Sep 07
wow, that really sucks. I have yet to have a flat tire. However did your cell phone not work lol?
@caver1 (1762)
• United States
2 Oct 07
What cell phone?
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
28 Sep 07
Oh geez what a day for you!LOL I would have done the same thing. Let the men handle that kind of crap.LOL Im glad you made it home safe. And I hope you day gets better for you.
@caver1 (1762)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I was going to go shopping, but it can wait. I'm not driving all over town on the spare donut!!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
One of my new pet peeves is gas stations that have no services. Last week I went to 4 gas stations before I found a vacuum that worked! When my tire is low which it is a lot as it has a slow leak I go to the stations that I know have air and usually 4 of the 5 stations will have the air broken or no working tire gage. Then there are the station who have started to actually charge for air! I refuse to get fuel from one of these places. I have started to carry one of those cans of tire repair that you can use in an emergency. I hate flats, they ruin my day so I hope yours improves dramatically!
@caver1 (1762)
• United States
28 Sep 07
The can of tire repair stuff is a good idea. I'll check into getting some. I remember when I was growing up, every gas station had services. They were actually called service stations. Someone would pump your gas, check your oil and tires, and wash your windshield. So much for the good old days.
@jipang (39)
• Malaysia
29 Sep 07
Ohh... I have 1. It just happened 2 weeks ago, on my way to office. Actually I just bought the car 1 month ago. And just after first service, so I think its not because of no air. While I was driving, a motorcyclist show me the tire. Then, I stopped my car at the bus stop. Fortunately has a bus stop near me. I saw, wow, not a nail, but a piece of iron. So big. So, I changed to spare tire. Then, I brought the tire to tire workshop and paid for $5.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I used to always have flat tires when I lived in the city. I was always driving over nails or something. There was a lot of home remodeling going on around my house, and I guess the people were not that careful when dumping stuff in the dumpsters and the nails got on the road. I once even had a piece of WOOD stuck in my tire. I have only had one flat since I moved to the country 9 months ago, and that once was when I got in a wreck.
@caver1 (1762)
• United States
28 Sep 07
Glad you are having better tire luck in the country.
@mikeb270 (54)
• United States
29 Sep 07
Why didnt you just buy a can of fix-a-flat at the fist station? actually 2 cans that way you can keep an extra one in your trunk for just such occasions.
@bimmer999 (1158)
• Philippines
29 Sep 07
had a blowout in a hyundai starex van many years ago, good thing i sensed some vibration and a fellow motorist pointed at my front passenger side front wheel to warn me about the tires.. good thing i still got home but the tire was shreded to bits...smelled like someone burned rubber at a fire hehe