Ooops I jinxed myself!

United States
September 28, 2007 4:51pm CST
I told the kids this morning I hoped the power didn't go out because I found our good high power flash light behind the couch with the top off..... Now it's really windy..... We generally do at least flicker when we get a bad storm.... Off to go knock on wood.
1 response
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I did something like that last night. It was storming here really bad and my s/o was teasing me because I was saying that the tv had better not go out while CSI was on. We were watching Survivor at the time and I'd said I didn't care as much about Survivor as I did about CSI. So of course right before they read the votes...the only part of the show that really matters...and 5 minutes before CSI started, the power went out. I came right back on but the satellite took a few more minutes. It was a VERY tense wait but luckily everything was back on and stayed on throughout CSI. I hope everything stays on for you. I'd start knocking on every bit of woo in the house LOL!