how long does your mobile phone battery last?

@jHoEn16 (2043)
October 8, 2007 11:38am CST
its been 4 days now that i didnt charge my ericsson phone and the battery doesnt run out yet... my 6670 nokia battery last for 2 days and the samsung last for 1 day only.. how about you pal, how long does your mobile battery last? do you have any plan to changed it and buy a new one?
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17 responses
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
It depends on how I use my cell phone. If it is in standby mode, the battery normally can last for 5 days or so. If I use it often it might last for two to three days. It I listen to music or take photos too often it would last even shorter. Now I am using a second battery for my cell phone, as my former one had worn off few months back.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
20 Oct 07
but it still last for 3 days even if you used it so often... thats nt bad! :) thanks for shring pal
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
Hi jhoen16. with my nokia 3310 (old model) and with battery which has not been replaced since time memorial (LOL), i usually charge them lately everyday specially when i have to used for calling or receiving calls. i noticed that the battery battery bar so lowly decreasing every time i received calls. this actually means that it's time to rep0lace the battery. it has been with me for 3p4 years now. about donating a new battery for me jhoen16? LOL
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
17 Oct 07
you have to provide a certificate and make sure that its legal and not made in quiapo.. then show it to me in person ill give you my address here in australia.. by then i can donate some battery for your phone!:)
• India
11 Oct 07
It last for six to seven days.I am using a Nokia 1100 phone for last four years and i dont want to change it beacuse in this series the batteries are very good.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
13 Oct 07
yes i agree too... i start on 3310 nokia and now i am using 6670 and before that was 6600.. but i could say that old phones are better... thanks for the responce pal
@michfroi (413)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
my phone battery last for 3 three days...
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
13 Oct 07
same as mine...:) thanks pal for sharing
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Oct 07
Since I have a smartphone, so it has lots of functions. If I use it to watch movies, then usually the battery won't last in one day. So you can imagine I have to charge my cellphone battery all the time.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
17 Oct 07
yeah i imagine that pal!:) it must be very expensive on your electricity bill...:)
@Sutocu (65)
14 Oct 07
Mine lasts for something between a week and two weeks. I only use it for calls and text messaging though. I'll probably buy a new cell phone before my battery will get too old...
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
15 Oct 07
ohhhh!!! that was pretty long!:) i hope my battery can last for that long... well maybe if i wont used it so often... thanks for sharing pal
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
I have a motorolla cellphone, I don't use it much and it lasts for about three days. I only got it a year ago, so I don't see myself changing it since it still works perfectly for me. But if ever I experience troubles on my mobile phones, I consult those who are aware of cellphone repairs and ask them the best thing to do..
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
9 Oct 07
yeah thats what i do when i was there in pinas... i used to go there at the repair shop since one of my friend was the cp technician... and he will check my phone and tell me what to do for free hehehhe
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
My battery will last maximum of 3 days if no games and only text messages, If I have a lots of phone calls,it would last 2 days..however,since I'm addicted to canal control game on my cellphone, I need to charged it everyday for me to not be empty.I'm using a nokia brand phone.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
9 Oct 07
hahahha nokia have a good games.. even me i was addicted to my nokia phone games... and i have to charge it always coz i didnt stop unless low bat lol:) thanks for sharing
@noriko (1254)
8 Oct 07
it depends if all i get is sky mail or i get a lot of call
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
9 Oct 07
okay.. thanks for the responce pal have a good and peaceful night..:)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
My mobile phone battery last for 3 days. But it will depends of my usage for a day. If my phone had been used for too many calls, it will only last for 1 day. If it will last for 3 days when i only used it for text messaging.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
9 Oct 07
thats not bad... atleast it will last for 2 days.. my other phone only last for less than a day used or not :)and it was hard to look for the battery... thanks for the responce
• Pakistan
10 Oct 07
I'm very keen user, u will see me always sending texts or talking but luckily enough, my cell phone's battery lasts for more than 3 days..
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
10 Oct 07
thats pretty good my friend... imagine it still last for more than 3 days even if u always used it?!! wow thats great!
@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
8 Oct 07
Well I have a nokia 3310 and if not used the battery is not charged until three weeks. If used I have to charge it every two weeks
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
9 Oct 07
wow thats pretty long!:) even if you will used it two weeks is still long... ohhh i hope my battery was like that.. thanks for the responce pal
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@shiloh_222 (5479)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
hi.. my nokia 7620's last around 4-5 days coz i just use it for my alarm clock, some textes... if there are long calls, then just 2-3 battery is still ok...been with my fon for past 2 years... and i am not planning to upgrade yet... it works fine:-D
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
10 Oct 07
thats nice to hear... it seems like you are very careful with your phone.. thanks for responding
@brienn (825)
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
Good day jHoEn16, I got my self a Nokia N70, and it battery for about one and a half days before it become drain . And sometimes if didn't use it for texting and for calling, the battery will last much more longer, I think for about 2 days .
@lesnan (537)
• United States
7 Aug 09
When I had my Wing, the battery life was very short, like a day or so. with my Blackberry, the battery life is 3-4 days.
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
9 Aug 09
i have sony ericsson w700i and it's battery lasts between 4 to 6 days. initially when i used to listen to a lot of music on it i needed to charge it almost everyday. but now i only use it as a phone.
1 Aug 09
perhaps you need a new one, you can get one here and search for 6670 nokia