windows vista

October 10, 2007 12:53pm CST
Hello everyone. Does anyone who has windows vista have a problem playing sims 2 on it? Mine works, it is just very slow. I was just wondering if it was because of that or not. I have the requirements for everything else to support the game.
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3 responses
@ajrox1810 (992)
• India
14 Oct 07
Hello angelsmom, To Play a game like Sims 2 on a heavy operating system such as Windows Vista requires at least 2-3 GB of RAM along with Intel Core 2 Duo and a Nvidia Graphics Card.If you are not meeting any of these requirements then the game may give poor performance on your PC. Have a nice day.
15 Oct 07
Thanks for the information. Every little bit helps me. Thanks again.
• Romania
12 Oct 07
this is the problem with window vista: is too slow.but has a great graphic. it may take a while untill you get used with it, but it worth
12 Oct 07
I'm finding that out, but your right it is worth it. Thanks, for your input.
• Canada
10 Oct 07
Here is a link you can follow that has the solution to your problem ! just copy the link into your browser ! Any other PC/Gamming issues just contact me !
10 Oct 07
I'll try that. Thank-you so much!