our expectation

@jcyap888 (721)
October 12, 2007 4:39am CST
how does our child cope up with our expectation!
3 responses
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
12 Oct 07
I think kids want us to be proud of them no matter what and our expectations might not be their expectations ,so this is why is important to keep avenues of communication open at all times.
@goodsign (2287)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 07
Their degree of knowledge and acceptance on family's team building which totally writes the vision, missions and objectives. Once noted and understood by them; we must layout to them the structure of our capacity in competency, managerial ability, technical proficiency and sources of fund. This is the proper family building planning to unified the both side's expectation.
• Romania
12 Oct 07
of course we have expectations regarding our children, but I think we rather cope with our children's realisations. If we have too much expectations from our children they may have a problem with that, becouse their self esteem might decrease if they can accomplish our expectation.