Do you read lables?

United States
October 13, 2007 4:59pm CST
I've started to. Mainly on cereal. I go for the one with the lowest amount of sugar. You'd be surprised how high cereals that seem to be healthy are on the sugar count! Any tips on label reading as far as finding the healthiest food?
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2 responses
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
13 Oct 07
Or - another way they get you - low fat or low sugar - is high in preservatives or salt or something else that's actually worse for you! I don't believe in taking anything from the food pyramid out, but many people tend to forget that something may be low sugar - but if its high in carbohydrates - its actually going to convert to fat far faster then sugar. Wow - great post - thanks!
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• United States
14 Oct 07
Yes the low fat equals high sugar (to get the taste) and low sugar equals high something else! lol you remind me why I resisted label reading in the first place. It can get confusing.
@aaidjs (1149)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
13 Oct 07
Hi There!!Thanks a lot for this information.I Ill stat too!Thanks again! Silvana
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