Smart cat

@deebomb (15304)
United States
October 14, 2007 11:58am CST
My deck is high enough to see into the neighbor's Yard and they have one of those rubber above ground swimming pools. This morning I was out on the deck playing with the dog. I saw a cat trying to get a drink. It could not reach the water with out getting into the pool. As I was watching the dact dipped it's paw into the water and bring it's paw up to it's mouth and lick the water off. It did this several times. At first i thought the cat was going to fall in but It did't. This is a smart cat. Have you seen a car drink like this?
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9 responses
• United States
3 Feb 08
Yes, I sure have! Cat's are pretty smart. When they do stupid things, that's when their nine-lives comes into play.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I think that cats are so much smarter than dogs. They are their own boss.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
18 Jan 08
My cat does the whole paw in and lick thing. Everytime I get a cup of water to drink (which is why I prefer bottles) she will stick her paw in the cup, get it wet and then lick it. She doesn't like to stick her head in the cup. Of course, once she's done this I won't drink out of it. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Yes our cat used to do the same thing. I finely got a glass with a very wide mouth from the dollar store. It sets on a table in the computer room. She now leave my glass alone. she has started to dig around her glass like she was burying in her litter. For a while we thought she was wetting there but it's always dry.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
14 Oct 07
No I have never seen a cat drink that way. Its a good thing for the neighbors, the cat didn't poke a hole in the pool. The cat story reminds me off 2 things I saw last week. We have some sunflowers next to the pool, they are heavy with seeds and leaning over the pool. One day I looked out, there was a blue bird hanging upside down picking the seeds. Then he would get upright and eat them, back upside down to get some more. He did this for awhile. Then a couple of days later I saw a squirel doing the same thing, he looked so cute.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
15 Oct 07
It really is interesting what you see when you look in the yard. Animals really are remarkable. The neighbors might be wondering where their water went when they got home and saw the pool sagging from loss of water.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
14 Oct 07
That little cat must have been pretty thirsty I reckon to drink like that, I remember my first cat Smokey before he was dumped by her then owners once when I was watering the garden she was trying to drink from the hose, animals all animals are lot cleverer than we give them credit for...
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I have never seen a cat drink from a hose with running water but I have seen a dog do that. Your right Animals are a lot more clever than we think they are.
@mistcat (29)
• United States
14 Oct 07
I have seen a cat do this a few times. I had a brandy glass that I liked to fill with water and drink from on occassion. I also had a kitten that figured it was good to drink out of the glass to. When that kitten got too big to fit his head into the glass for a drink he started to do this. I have no idea why he chose to drink out of the glass, except maybe for attention.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Oct 07
Our cat like to drink out of a glass too. She kept getting her head in my glass so I decided to just get her her own. I fould a glass with a very wide mouth and now she has her own and leaves my alone.
• United States
14 Oct 07
I have seen some do this especially when the water was hard to reach. I had a cat once who would eat his food that way, dip it up in his paw and eat it. Too funny to watch. He started it naturally as he was born in my house and none of the other cats diid this and I didn't teach him, he was just persnickity in that way.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Oct 07
That was one unusual cat.
• Philippines
14 Oct 07
hahaha.. that is so cool. that cat is indeed smart. for all i know, cat really hates water. They drink with their toungue, but with the paw? oh my! that is something not to sneeze off! cool! and NO! I havent seen a cat drinking the way that smart cat did!
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Oct 07
As I watched him I kept waiting for him to fall into the pool. He would have had a hard time getting out as the sides had a big air bubble around the rim. I could just see him getting his claws into that bubble.
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
14 Oct 07
That is so funny! I have never seen a car do this at all. LOL Just kidding! How smart that cat is. I would have thought it would fall too. My cat usually drinks out of my toilet, not such a cute sight as this. :P
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Oct 07
Some cats and dogs seem to like to drink out of the toilets.
@xavi221 (38)
• China
1 Feb 08
what a smart cat.i once see a similar cat in graden.she looks so smart and cute.she is likely to be thirst.she went nearby the lake then dipped paw into the lake and bring paw up into mouth then lick last she clear her lovely face with paw dipping water.