Do you let your child pick their own Halloween costume no matter what?

United States
October 22, 2007 10:37am CST
My ten year old wants to be a homicidal zombie for Halloween and I hate it! What do I do? Would you be okay with that? I know he's getting too old for cutesy costumes, but I don't want him to be something so awful.
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3 responses
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
22 Oct 07
When our kids were in Halloweening, sometimes we let them pick their own, but most often we did it for them. Kids are too immature to know what they want, unless it is a Pirate or something like that. Also we used to get cut up masks off the back of Cereai Boxes and we'd use them, but since I was not that into Halloween (then it was that I had lots of cavities caused by my extensive eating of candy when I went out Trick and Treating) so I let my husband do all that stuff.
• United States
22 Oct 07
I'm okay with him picking his own, I just have limits to what I think is okay for a ten year old child. I'm religious, not fanatically so, but still I don't like to see my son acting out some sort of horrible serial killer thing. I think it's my job to curb that sort of thing. I agree about the candy. I hate it. He probably won't be eating most of what he gets. I'm not a mean mom, but I don't want to see my child's health destroyed over the next three months in the name of 'holidays'.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
22 Oct 07
Whats awful about a zombie costume? My kids can pick their own so long as its not too provokative.
• United States
22 Oct 07
It's not just a zombie costume. I don't even have the words to describe it.
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
22 Oct 07
At his age, I think you still have a right to put the kibosh on any costume you don't think is appropriate! Maybe you can work out a compromise so he's still happy.
• United States
22 Oct 07
I like your way of thinking! And I like that you used the word 'kibosh'