What are your children wearing for Halloween?

United States
October 24, 2007 8:53am CST
My daughter and I have been debating on Halloween costumes and I am putting this on here to see what everyone else thinks. Do you allow your child to pick out the costume even if you don't like it or do you influence them to wear something that you feel is a better choice? Also, do you buy a costume every year or do you reuse them or make home made costumes? I like to buy one as I don't sew but I do like to make homemade ones if I have the stuff to do them with.
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8 responses
25 Oct 07
When my son was younger I used to make costumes for him and all his friends too. Money was tight so I had to get inventive with the sewing machine. I made ghosts and vampires mainly and the kids loved them
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• United States
26 Oct 07
I know a lot of people that make the costumes and I have seen some cute ideas for home made costumes but I just don't like to sew so I never do those.
• Philippines
25 Oct 07
hi! for me dress for halloween is not very much important what most importans is you were able to celebrate the occation which is halloween i think by wearing black dress or t shirt is enough to celebrate halween.
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• United States
26 Oct 07
Do you not have kids that have Halloween parties or do you not have to dress up for anything? I don't think that a black tee shirt would make much of a costume.
• United States
24 Oct 07
My daughter is going to be a little pirate princess for Halloween! She is almost three years old, so this one is definitely exciting. Last Halloween we had to bring the stroller because of all the walking, that way she could take breaks. Now, this ear we will be able to get more candy!
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• United States
26 Oct 07
She will really be fun to see. That is a great age for kids for the holidays!
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
24 Oct 07
My daughter is wearing an inexpensive ghost costume that comes with a white wig & facepaint. She picked it herself.
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• United States
26 Oct 07
A classic costume if you ask me. I think that those are some of the best ones that you can get. My daughter is going to be a witch and she is wearing clothes from home and I bought a hat and some makeup.
• Canada
24 Oct 07
My daughter (16 months) picked out her costume herself, and she is going to be Tigger. It will be her first year going trick or treating and I can't wait to take her. I honestly think that for the kids picking out either their costume or what they want to be (it all depends if you buy or make their costume) is what makes Hallowe'en so fun for them. Also I'm sure the free candy helps as well! Hope you have a Happy and safe Hallowe'en! PurpleTeddyBear.
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• United States
26 Oct 07
I agree with you on that. I think that it helps to make the holiday a little more special for them. we really don't think that the only reason they go is for the candy do we? HAHA!!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
25 Oct 07
I'm long past the age where I have to worry about such things, carolscash, but when mine were growing up we used to make costumes out of whatever we had available. We did not have much money and buying costumes was out of the question. We did have so much fun creating the costumes we eventually came up with though. I also enjoyed making up their faces.
• United States
26 Oct 07
I remember having to do the same things when I was younger as we never got to buy costumes. I guess that is one of the reasons that I always try to make sure that I can get the kids what they want. I know that we apoil our kids but I have to make sure that they have better than I did.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Our oldest is 5, she is going to be a devil. I think she picked that out because we got her new baby brother a little devil costume. He is 3 months old. Our 2 year old is going to be a cute little witch. We usually buy our costumes, but I think I might try making them sometime. My daughters devil costume is nothing but a think bunch of red material sewn together and a set of horns.
• United States
26 Oct 07
They will be cute! I could never sew a costume as I don't have the patience to do such a thing. I am sure that it wouldn't be too hard but I think that it would be too difficult for me.
@kara5287 (299)
• United States
24 Oct 07
yes i think they should be able to pick out their own costumes they are the ones that has to wear it. my little boy who is 4 years old decided he wants to be spiderman so his nana on the other side of the family got his costume this year. my little girl is only 7 months but she will be dressed up as a little pumpkin and will go trick or treating with her big brother and us of course.
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• United States
26 Oct 07
I bet they will look adorable. It is always nice to see them in such cute costumes instead of some of the more gruesome ones.