What are your views on Creationism? Literal 7 days?

United States
October 30, 2007 7:11pm CST
What are your views on the story of creation. Do you believe when Genesis says 7 days it meant 7 literal days?
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11 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
30 Nov 07
Firstly one day is a 1000 years to the Lord, etc. So, even if you take it literally a day need not be 24 hours. Secondly, before Sun, moon, etc are in place there is no 24 hour day. Genesis is true, it contains deep truths about human nature not about human origins. all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
30 Nov 07
"Genesis has been proven historically, scientifically and archaeologically. We have more evidence in the connects of Genesis than we do of events that took place in World War II." You claim but the consensus of scientific opinion is contrary to this.
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• United States
31 Jan 08
As with most of your comments on here they are based completely on a concenses of scientific opinion. Not base on scientific fact. Scientific fact states that the sun energy comes from the process of atomic fusion. Scientific fact states that through fusion the mass of an object increases. Scientific fact states that since the above 2 statements are true the suns energy would increase as fusion continues. With that in mind 1 billion years ago (When the concenses of scientific opion declares that the earth was filled with lush tropical vegetation) the earth would have been a frozen world since the sun would not have been producing enough energy to sustain any life on the planet. Therefore, in summary. A majority of opinions does not make fiction fact.
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• United States
30 Nov 07
Very incorrect in your assumption of Genesis. See my comments above under Thoth and Oreo. Genesis has been proven historicall, scientically and archeolically. We have more evidence in the contects of Genesis than we do of events that took place in World War II.
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• United States
16 Jan 08
I listen to a radio segment called "Answers In Genesis with Ken Ham" there is a website that is very informative www.answersingenesis.org
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• India
11 Feb 08
With due respect to Ken Ham I would say that he's got things wrong.
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• United States
17 Jan 08
Yes, if you live around Cincinati they have the Creation Museum. It is a must see. I have year passes there. Even my kids love it. BTW. Welcome to Mylot. We have a lot of fun here. Let me know if you need anything.
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• United States
17 Jan 08
Yes, I've read about the museum. I think it would be great if we could visit someday. It's a long way from Texas though! And, thank you very much for the welcome :)
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I'm probably going to get into trouble here, but here goes anyway...please, nobody get offended here because I'd never attack or criticize anyone for their religious beliefs. Having said that, I must confess to being confused and having some mixed feelings about the topics of both Creation and Evolution. I'm not a scientist and I sucked at it in school so I'll admit there are many scientific terms I don't understand because I didn't pay enough attention 35 or so years ago but it does seem like there's quite a bit of evidence that points to evolution having some basis but I'm not saying that totally disproves Creationism. Seven days "LITERALLY"? I do have serious doubts about that, but who knows? I don't think it's wrong to believe it was and I don't think it's wrong to question it. And I doubt that it will ever be proven scientifically either way! Great question and discussion, though. Annie
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• United States
31 Oct 07
Annie, good response. lol. Take a look at your point of view. What I try to do when I have questions is I act and study as if the opposite of what I believe is the truth. So in your case you would believe evolution over creation. So act as if you believe in creation as the truth and then get proof for the opposite. Make yourself try to prove you wrong. See if there is evidence for the other side. Some things to look at is "If not creation, then how did the universe and the earth come to be." I do hope people join the discussion. Thanks again. Keep on watching this thread
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
12 Nov 07
As far as I'm concerned. it is what it is and I take it for that. From what the Bible says at the end of each act that the evening and the morning was the ___________(first,second etc)day. So yes, I do believe it as that.
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• United States
31 Oct 07
I don't believe in creationism, although I don't think anyone can be sure that a higher power did not have a hand in life on earth (aliens is another theory). I do believe that some form of evolution took place over the many millions of years of earth's existence. The scientific evidence is overwhelming. I don't know whether the writer of Genesis intended the 7 day creation story to be taken literally or as a metaphor / fable. It appears to be contradicted by much scientific evidence (and common sense). And how would he/she know any way? I'm fairly certain that it springs from human imagination, as do the creation legends of other religions, Hindu for instance. I'm not sure why some Christians are so adamant in supporting creationism. Surely it's possible to be a Christian without believing Genesis literally? There is still much mystery around the the origins of the universe, life, that it's possible to believe in evolution and a God. I think we have to distinguish between the work of God, the work of Nature, and the work of man. For me, life on earth is mainly nature, and Genesis mainly the work of man. Let's just say, God works in more mysterious ways. Then again, we just had a sizeable earthquake here, so maybe I should just keep my opinions to myself..
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• United States
31 Oct 07
I believe that God created the universe and the earth and placed life on the earth. I believe the seven days described in Genesis were seven distinct creative periods, but how long each of those periods lasted is really only known to God. I don't think they were literally one day each; Moses used the term day to describe each period but he didn't mean day literally.
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• United States
30 Nov 07
In the Hebrew language the word used for a day (evening to evening the next day is the word Yom. now where did Moses get this information? On Mt Sinai God spoke to him for him to write these things down for the Israelites. Moses being educated in Egypt was not writing a Metaphoric discertation, but rather an historic account of events that took place. Now if you look at what makes something historical there are several requirements. ALL of them met by the book of genesis. As a matter of fact the book of Genesis is concidered more "Historically accurate" by the secular world than history book we have on World War II. So the term day was a literal day. Because it was written not as period of time like you see in Psalms and the prophets which are reknown for allegory and metaphor. It was written as a "Yom" meaning a literal one day.
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@urbandekay (18278)
30 Nov 07
And what is the word used where it is recounted that one day is a thousand years to the Lord. If this also means eve to eve then your argument is invalid, since one 'yom' is a thousand years to the Lord. "Moses being educated in Egypt was not writing a Metaphoric dissertation..." You claim but offer no reasoning to support, far from presenting a history it is clear that the purpose is normative. "As a matter of fact the book of Genesis is considered more "Historically accurate" by the secular world than history book we have on World War II." By whom? Not by the consensus of historians that's for sure. all the best urban
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@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
23 Aug 08
Adam was predestined to die instantly if he ate the forbidden fruit yet lived to nearly 1000 years. If you allot instantly as a second in time, just imagine 7 days.
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@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
26 Aug 08
doubleloveyou, can you tell me the botanical names of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and good and evil. Most say Adam and Eve ate the apple, it's confusing.
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• United States
25 Aug 08
Untrue. The Bible says "You will surely die" While they were in the garden they had access to the tree of life which gave them life forever. Once the ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they were put out of the garden therefore destined to die, being they could not get back to the tree of life. Thanks for the response.
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@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
26 Aug 08
Irtishfrndly, any ideas of your own?. Your personal input would be very helpful.
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• India
11 Feb 08
Well, I don't believe it is literal 7x24 hr duration. If we take it that way we have big problem in interpreting the text. And the text will lose its significance. I believe God is the author of both the Word and the world, that science studies. And since the Word and the world has only one author the Word and the world will never ever speak in contradicting terms. If they seem to speak in contradicting terms then our interpretation of one of them must be wrong. Or our interpretation of both of them can also be wrong. I think here those Christians who say that science is lying are mistaken.
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@urbandekay (18278)
24 Aug 08
Yes, clearly Genesis contains deep truths about man's nature but not necessarily about his origin all the best urban
• India
11 Feb 08
How then do you explain the million of years that the light of the stars have taken to reach the earth? How do you explain the fossils of the dinasaurs? If what the young earth creationists say is true why are their findings not published by any reputed scientific journals? I just don't think the biblical writers penned the Genesis text as to be interpreted applying wooden literalistic hermeneutical principle to the text.
• United States
11 Feb 08
In all actuality, a 7 x 24 period is the only interpretation that does not contridict scripture and science. As a matter of fact it is the only way that true scientific fact and the uncompromised word of God be in sequence. most people would say that the earth has to be old due to the different layers of soil that are present. When in fact, the layers of soil can easily be explain by a world wide flood. Other would say that the fossils prove and older earth. Once again fossils, oil, coal, diamonds, etc have all been proven that give the correct pressure you can actually produce these materials in a rather short time period. Does the earth seem old? Yes. As creator, God is not stupid, he would know that a mature planet would be needed in order to sustain life. In the same way that adam was not created as a baby so also the earth would have had to be created as a mature planet.
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• India
24 Jul 10
Literalistic view that reasonates with creationism, to me, sounds equal to saying that the earth is flat or man did not land on the moon. Btw, I believe that every word of the Bible is God's word. It's just that my interpretation does not lead to me creationism.
@kittenmc (464)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Yes, I believe if the Bible says 7says, then it was 7. All god had to do is speak it and it was done. I know that there are some out there trying to say the bible is none truth, that there are missing books and ect. But, my belief is that God ordained men to write his word and we should not add or take away from it. I also believe that there are things of the bible that have other meanings than just face value. I believe every number has a face value, but some have a meaning. We just have to pray and ask God to lead us and guide us.
• United States
16 Sep 08
Wonderful Comment Kitten. People try to warp scriptures around their world view. It is better to start from God's view and look at the world, rather than the World's view trying to find God.
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
i believe God did create the universe in 7 days but whether it is the same as "our 7 days" i do not know. and i do not plan to dig it up either; enough for me to know that God did that. the Bible says "one day is with the Lord a thousand years and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8) so whether creation took place in a literal one day or a thousand years, is ok with me. The point is, there was a creation that took place and that God did that.