Brave enough to live

Bamboo - Let's brave enough to live and be able to lead a beautiful life like it!!
November 6, 2007 12:37am CST
Hello!My friends!Today I want to discuss about a person.her name is Susan.Susan lost her legs because of a accident.There was a long time that she didn't know how to face up the fact.Do you want to know her life,or have you any good suggestion to her?Welcome!!
2 responses
@Molinda (77)
• China
6 Nov 07
I am sorry to hear that.Susan need the most is the courage.everyone will be depressible when they face the if you are her friend or should encourage her.misfortune tell us what fortune be.if she lose her life in that accident ,she will have no chance to be everything has its active sides.have no legs,she have the hands at least.good luck for her.
• China
6 Nov 07
Thank you very much.But I want to clear that Susan is not my friend or family ,only a unlucky girl who I read in the newspaper.Do you want to know the end? Humm~~~there are no need for me to recite the ending.OK.Susan was deeply encouraged by another true story that how a disabled girl become a famous writer.So she determined to read more books as much as possible. Susan believe she would finally be able to lead a useful life, too.
• China
7 Nov 07
It is glade to hear that .I think There are lots of people are facing the same fact .maybe the story can encourage them.
• China
14 Nov 07
Yes,I hold the same opinion of you.And I wish that the whole people in the world can brave to face up to the life ,whether it is nasty or ot. Finally,thank you very much for your response, my friend.
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
It really needs a lot of courage to be in such a situation. But that's an accident and thank God she is still alive. We can live without limbs, though it's really difficult. I suggest that she studies the lives of those who are successful and happy despite physical disabilities.