the chinese food

@hyzz1982 (1040)
November 6, 2007 3:24am CST
chinese food is a different food from the food in the west. the most successful chinese food must have sweet-smelling, good-looking shape, nice colours. actually, the chinese food is differnet from place to place. in short is: saltly north, hot south, acid west, sweet east. which means in the norh of china, people like to salty food, in south of china, hot food is popular, in the west ,people like acid , for instant, they eat more vinegar. in the west, when cooking, they always put some sugar in the food.
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4 responses
@Molinda (77)
• China
6 Nov 07
I think if i am in a place have no chinese food,i will die of hunger, he,,,i love chinese food so much.It is said that there more kinds of delicious food in the south than north.i never be there,is it ture? i don't like the food which too sweet.oh,,i am hungery now, :)
@Ann2407 (305)
• China
6 Nov 07
As a chinese,I like southern chinese food better,and the southwest chinese food is my another favorite,it is added many pimientos when being cooked,really delicious ,also can keep fit even you eat a lot.
@hyzz1982 (1040)
• China
9 Nov 07
will you?? i think the chinese food is really great. you said you never go to the north and the south, but i wanna know where are you? in the middle? or west or east? i am in the east now. there are so many sweet food. come here, i will invite you to a dinner. thanks for your reply.
@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
9 Nov 07
when i was younger i didn't like the taste of chinese food but know as an adult i love it.
@hyzz1982 (1040)
• China
9 Nov 07
thanks . chinese food is delicious and healthy. keep to eat that you will get more. espcially the chinese food of south china. they are really nice.
• China
6 Nov 07
In a word,the chinese food is delicious,isn't it?!
@hyzz1982 (1040)
• China
7 Nov 07
yeah, i like all the chinese food. hi,lily. chinese food are so delicious that i am fatter and fatter.:D i think the south chinese food is more and more popular. such as hunan food, sichuan food. all people around like hotpot. which is one of the sichuan food. they put some pimiento into the food when they cooking.
• China
6 Nov 07
i like chinese food. espally the baozi and jiaozi. i like the food in the east of china. it is like a honey. i like sweet food. i can cook chinese food myself. hyzz, do you have time? i can cook chinese food for you and you friend.