Falling Hard in Love

November 7, 2007 8:46pm CST
Without my knowing it, I haven't realized that I have fallen hard in love with someone, that I could give my life for her. I never have felt such a strange feeling before for anyone save her. The level of my strong feelings for her is somewhat of a higher force that literally have made me crazy over her. I don't regret for having felt such. It feels great to have loved someone...only that I should endure all the pain that this love of mine for her might bring. And I intend to love that person still even until the last weaving of the strands of life is put into a halt. It's crazy to think too that I feel my love for her will still remain even if I cross the river of the beyond. When the royal falcon has flown to the Sun (as how the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt put it). Thank you very much.
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5 responses
@jams_boy (31)
• China
9 Nov 07
Love in deep is not good thing!if this happen in myself,i will check me careful. and do other thing to disentangle my self from this deep river!
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• Philippines
9 Nov 07
I actually have tried removing from me the sheet of love from the skin of my heart.... however, in an unknown reason, it grafted itself to me that I could not take it off myself.. :-) And to be in love with her, I shall not regret having done so, sad or happy the result may bring. :-) Good day.
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• China
9 Nov 07
ye!i understand your felling! if you try to think not good aspect of her, maybe you may find some shortcoming from your love best.pepoles feeling is wrong sometimes,maybe you must to trun your feeling!
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• Philippines
11 Nov 07
I do not comprehend myself much but one thing I am sure of: my feelings for her is true and that I honestly love her no matter what the results may bring, jams.
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• China
18 Nov 07
if you really love her ,there is no difference between hard love and love. but i have to tell you that maybe you should give up at a right time .
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• Philippines
19 Nov 07
I dunno kitty but I think... this is the right time to give up... it is as if I am wasted now. Good luck.
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@beauty_ph (2749)
• Philippines
8 Nov 07
I can relate to what you are saying, hehehe is it me? Am just kidding. I can feel how you are so much in love. You tend to treat the girl like the royal queen. I think I love that too! I agree that some of the lines or the way you described her is somewhat that of the romantic books. Hehehe. I know it comes from your heart. If I know the girl you love, I would tell here to read this discussion. Well am happy to let you know I know her. Joke. Love is not at joke at all. I admire how you expressed your self here in mylot. I can sense that you are being true to your self and to other mylotters. This discussion actually is very inspiring for me. I get inspired because I read it as if the person is in love with me. LOL. It is true there are a lot of ways to express our love. I am glad that we can express our selves here in mylot too. Mylot serves as the media. I do hope and pray that you build a great relationship with the girl you love. God bless!
• Philippines
9 Nov 07
Honestly beauty_ph, I actually abhor reading romantic books. I usually read computer programming books, history books and other things that interests me except for love stories. Hehehe. The words that came out of my mind which of course I have written here comes from the weaving of the strands of love for someone... So strong is this force that it might have seemed that I have been reading such books. :-) I's glad you could relate to, beauty. :-) And I hope that the 2nd to the last statement you made will come true. As what we say it in Filipino, "magdilang anghel ka sana" (meaning: hope your words might come true, literally: may you have the angel's tongue. I appreciate much your visiting here in this discussion, beauty_ph. You take care too and thanks a lot. :-) God bless you.
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@beauty_ph (2749)
• Philippines
17 Nov 07
This is a great news for you my friend. I have been an angel since birth. LOL. I do hope you end up happy and loving the girl in your heart today. God bless!
• Philippines
18 Nov 07
Uhm... I am sad... though my love never will be returned by the same or any level of intense... i still love her so much... although... i pains me now.... :(
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@fanji008 (775)
• China
9 Nov 07
Well,I can feel from what you said that the love is really strong. It's nice to have the feeling to love and the person to give your love to. But I'm wondering how about her? What's her reaction to your love? Does she also love you? Is that at the same level? Some people would be afraid of too much love. Do you ever know how's her feeling about that? But anyway, I hope you can enjoy your love. Best regards:)
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• Philippines
9 Nov 07
It has been a pleasure to my heart the day I started to love that person. She might not return my loving her, it does not matter. What reward shall we have if we only love those that love us right? :-) In every possible way I could, I would want to enjoy loving her forever.... Good day!
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• China
9 Nov 07
You really describe the feeling of love stories like those in the various Oath wrote,"To her, I would like to give up my life." Unrealistic.
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• Philippines
9 Nov 07
Unrealistic you say? I know how I feel. and I resent that :-) I know my heart, and I know what I am saying. Good day! :)
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