Missing for someone? So silly of me but I do.

November 9, 2007 4:30am CST
Have you ever missed someone so much even if you only have seen here a couple of minutes or hours ago? Silly really of me but I do. I want that person always near the line of my sight, like straight path that lights travel to (not unless it is bent of course). Oh... I don't call it addiction but that nymph has something that draws me nearer to her no matter how dangerous situations might be, like the firefly going nearer to the light of a lamp in a night so called. What do you think? Comments are welcome, be that it is constructive. Have a great day to all myLotizens! Thanks a lot.
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3 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
9 Nov 07
I think it is plain and simply called love, when you love someone you do want to be with them all the time, it is when you feel the happiest, I think we all have been there at sometime, it really is a nice feeling...
• Philippines
9 Nov 07
You think so? hehehehe. If there'd be something more than missing someone, I think that's it. I really can't help missing her all the time even if i had just seen her a minute ago. Whew... Silly of me really. What more if I hadn't seen her for days or if not so, for months!!! WHOAH! That would be torture for me!! :-(. I do crazy things really when I feel more than missing someone. Thanks for your response. I really am shocked for I just posted this discussion a minute ago then seconds later, (9 seconds later), you posted your reply. Astonishing really. Have a great day! (or night).. ^_^
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
9 Nov 07
its very refreshing to know men feel this way as well, women do all the time, I didn't know men did as well... :)
• Philippines
9 Nov 07
hehehe... There are still many guys out there who loves honestly without anything in return. Sorrow or joy, I shall always love the person I love.. with good intent that is.
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@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
11 Nov 07
The Aura of Love is the most brightest and widest spread around your body. It's so sweet, ebtenorio.
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
Thanks, aowaow. You just never know how much I would want that person near my line of sight... And almost every minute, believe or dont, I miss her so much... with every beating of my heart for her.
• Philippines
9 Nov 07
hello bro.... i know... that nymph.... i really appreciate how you respect her and how you courageously keep your distance.... SSD for being a good friend to her and for that good heart :-)
• Philippines
9 Nov 07
Hehe... no matter, no matter, I shall respect her as I promised the Great One. I shall of course keep my distance from her as not to give way to other things unimportant and irrelevant. However, I think couldn't take off from me the feeling I had for her though I have tried many times removing this symbiote from my body for it grafted itself almost permanently to me. I have always sought the help of the Divine One on what I shall do. And the verses of the Bible opened up to me and read those. I shall always be a good friend to her and love her with clean heart and mind, until the last particle of air leaves my nostrils, I shall always have a good heart for her. Thanks for the remarks, sis. I might have been way too much addicted to her. And I shall not put my toe out of line for her. ^_^