Learning Foreign Languages

November 9, 2007 4:59am CST
Aside from the computer languages that I utilize for creating software/applications to our customers/clients, I too am fond of learning foreign languages. I might not be that expert already in Japanese but I could read, write in Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana and speak it fluently. In high school, we had Spanish, French and German (including Japanese). I could read and speak these languages but not that fluently. I could read Arabic, Russian, Greek, a bit of Hebrew, a little of Chinese and am still learning Italian and Portuguese. The Internet has helped me a lot with learning these various foreign languages. I buy books about foreign languages and downloaded any audio tutorials from the Web. Thanks to technology. Right now, I am looking for a Latin grammar book, a Swedish eBook and want to learn the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics. These I want to learn... How about you? Are you interested in learning various languages? Please tell me and let's have a discussion. Fine day to all!
1 response
@cuteclavs (109)
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
I always look forward to spend a time learning the languages I'm interested in. But, sadly I don't
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
Hope sometime in your life, you would have time to be spent on foreign languages... It helps actually... :D