friendship with a bad man

November 11, 2007 11:16am CST
Very often friendship is a case of birds of the same feather flocking together. Sometimes, however, a friendship springs up between a bad man and a good man. So the ways of friendship also are mystrious and inscrutable. Sometimes opposite or extremes meet. Even bad men with undesirable qualities have friends. If you meet a friend who is revealed latter as bad what will you do?
1 response
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
11 Nov 07
Well, they say that opposites attract, so no doubt sometimes we will meet evil or bad people in our lifetime. I think one of the main things to do is hope that your positives will rub off on him and hope that his negatives do not rub off on you. If he is doing things you do not approve of, you just have to speak up and let it be known. And then maybe he will gain a conscience.