i like parrot! do you love bird?

@hyzz1982 (1040)
November 13, 2007 6:27am CST
i love parrot. they are so nice. they can speak human being's language. they can speak "hello, good morning, goodbye, i love you" and so on. on the other hand, they have a beautiful feather. i like the parrot. how about you?
3 responses
• Pakistan
9 Dec 07
I too like parrots. There are hundreds of types of parrots available in this world. Many are famous due to variety of their colors and many are famous due to their way of talking. We have a talking parrot. This was newly born parrot when we had bought and bring it to our home. It was very difficult to feed it when it was very small. We use to feed it with the help of siring. Now it is one year old and talks much. Calls my name and speaks Urdu language.
• Pakistan
18 Mar 08
I have no word to pay thanks except the phrase " thank you very much for selecting a non English speaking as a best response."
@hyzz1982 (1040)
• China
1 Apr 08
@hyzz1982 (1040)
• China
22 Dec 07
yeah. it is nice. thanks sheenshaukat. you are so hourous that your picture is very good. thank you again.
@Molinda (77)
• China
16 Nov 07
I like it .bird is the friend of human.especially the parrot,they have beautiful feather and lovely voice.but there is a dangerouse sort of parrot.this kind of parrot eat meat.sometimes they hurt the sheep.but most of the time,people don't keep the sort of parrot as a pet.
@hyzz1982 (1040)
• China
16 Nov 07
thank you so much, linda. do you have a new discussion? i willl go and have a response.
• China
14 Nov 07
i donn't like it. it is too small. i like snake and frog. they both good in looking and they can scrowl.
@hyzz1982 (1040)
• China
16 Nov 07
it seems that nobody likes bird. it is a pity.