finally, i got a job

@yanstill (1490)
November 15, 2007 4:15am CST
after two interviews i got my first job.the company is in Shanghai,i thought maybe i will have enough time to do something else,like visiting my parents or being on mylot,but no,i am even busier than before.i am afraid that if i could do my job well,and i need to learn more things before going to that company.why i am worried about so many things? when i first passed the interview,i felt very excited, this job cost me a whole month,waiting and hoping,and now,i am thinking,my future,what it will be? several months later i will no longer be a student,and will never have that chance to be in campus,maybe i should cherish every moment here.
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23 responses
@bluewings (3857)
22 Nov 07
You may not be at the campus a few months hence , but one doesn't cease being a student.As you will keep learning newer things to enhance your career ,you'd still be a student at your workplace :-) Okay,enough sermoning and sorry about that,lol. With social networking sites rampant and internet at hand ,I daresay you won't miss your friends as much or at least hope you don't. Wish you the best for your future.
2 people like this
12 Dec 07
I found a job too and I havent come here for so long a time.I dont know or maybe it is a coincidence.I will be in SHnaghai too. Now I am in school with my friends,these will be my best memory in my life.Be self-confidence.Dont worry,just do it. You will have a good future.Keep cantact.
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@yanstill (1490)
• China
14 Dec 07
really? lol,that is good news.maybe we can have tea together after we work. keep contact.
17 Dec 07
Maybe,having tea is good for our health^_^ I feel excited!QSCM(??),do you know.I think you dont know,because at first I dont know this company too. Then work hard together. Come on!Come on!
@angelicEmu (1311)
15 Nov 07
Congratulations to you Yanstill! I'm very happy for you, and I know you'll have great success in your new job! Working does take up more time than you expect when you're a student - often travelling to work takes quite a while - but it makes you appreciate the time you have away from work even more! And living on the money you've earned makes everything you buy and eat and pay for seem so much more satisfying. I wish you the best of luck (although I'm sure you won't need it), and look forward to hearing more of your news when you have time to post a discussion next time. Since I started working for Manchester Council, I don't really have time to do MyLot (like you) regularly, but I'll try to respond to your discussions whenever I can! Take care, and keep up the good work! Your family must be very proud of you, and you should be proud of your achievements too :-) Well done!
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@yanstill (1490)
• China
14 Dec 07
happy to see you again,too.sorry i didnt respond to you in time.your responses always make me feel warm,thank you.wish both of us work happy.:)
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
16 Nov 07
Congratulation, yanstill. I just came back from vacation and really glad to learn that you finally have got a new job in Shanghai. Anyhow Shanghai is not too far from your hometown, Nanjing, I suppose. It just takes you few hours for the journey by modern speedy vehicles. Hi my friend, it is quite natural for us to worry about the unknown, especially those of major importance to our future. Sometimes we worry we couldn’t meet the requirement of the employing company and start worrying. Try to make yourself occupied and not to imagine too much unnecessarily. Undesirable imagination could always make thing worse. Few people could really forget their campus life. It is nice that you enjoy it very much. Anyhow you will find to enjoy more freedom later when you have left the campus where a student has to follow lots of regulations. Another advantage is financial independence, of course lol I did experience the sadness of leaving the school, the classmates and the beloved teachers. Their intimacies made school life so memorable. Have a nice day and with best wishes.
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@yanstill (1490)
• China
14 Dec 07
:) how's your vacation? i am studying in nanjing now,:) but it's not my hometown,my hometown is Wuxi,which is also near Shanghai,i guess i can go home often.that is exciting.
@subathra (3519)
• India
23 Nov 07
My hearty congrats to you yanstill..Its a great news and offcourse when we think of those last moments in our campus surely it pains a little but the opportunity that you have got very soon to pursue career sounds much more good and forgets those pains..i know you have some real good memories as student to cherish forever..i wish you suceed good in your career..all the best.
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@mlpig2 (62)
• China
30 Nov 07
good least you got a job,i ain't luckly since i resigned my last job.keep going,i believe you will handle it soon and make it better.surly you gonna have a bright future.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
23 Nov 07
Congs yanstill, keep that job by proving to the company why they hired you. Be a zealot, keep deadlines, and be innovative in your post, you will soon see a letter of promotion.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
16 Nov 07
First of all congrats to you. Hope you will find your job very nice. Getting the first job is alwys memorable. Hope this to be memorable like me too.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
23 Nov 07
I think I can understand your nervous feeling. I was the same in the past. Please don't feel worried. Everything will be fine. Congratulations you have a job now and I hope you will have a sucessful career in the future.
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@Jasmine78 (135)
• United States
16 Nov 07
School time in campus is really good time for me too. when in campus We are young and cherish good hope for the future, imaging what we will do if we can earn money and even daydreaming!
@linben (132)
16 Nov 07
Congratulations yanstill. You got a job. It's good news. Why worry so much? Just enjoy the moment and have fun. Life goes on,hectic? So what? Cheer up!!!!
• China
16 Nov 07
it is always that feeling when you care so much about your first job. But it is really a good start. Wish you have a good future after school which need luck, wit, patience and an open mind. Enjoy you campus days!
• Hong Kong
27 Nov 07
Hi,yanstill~~this is such good news to hear,and i'm so glad for you. Several months ago,i also played with my schoolmates and read in the library as a student,those time are memorable. You must have a hard time to start you new job,without doubtly,there are not only challenges but also have opportunities ahead.You manager will not grindingly to you,and he or she also growing from a freshman,same as you now.Ahah~~Everything will be allright,tomorrow will be fine. I know you do it,take care~~~
@sprout (135)
• China
17 Jan 08
Congratulations! We all know that it is a new start or station where we can take a little rest. Come on,go ahead.
@healer (1779)
• India
16 Nov 07
congrats' on your first job now you are stepping into a new chapter in life. You don't have to worry much, time will make things easier and getting a job is like you are now independent and now you will know the values of money. student life you will miss and those were the hard times in life even though we enjoyed a lot, now you got a job which will make life easier. So, may you have a good future.
@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
16 Nov 07
I can say that you're not alone in the world feeling restless and anxious being you're first time in the corporate world. A lot of people, including me, feels the very same thing upon entering a different phase in life. After graduating from college, you're normally idealistic and think you could make a difference in life. It could be or could not be true. It will largely depend on your working attitude and the atmosphere in your office. Before you officially begin your job, bear in mind the real valuable or important things to you. And don't forget to be your best self. Congratulations and best of luck.
@yeek2007 (32)
• China
15 Nov 07
Congrats, yanstill.Getting a good job is a happy time. Now a days it is very difficult to get a good job.SO I hope you pay you hard in it.With my best wishes!
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
16 Nov 07
Thats awesome! It is always great to enter a new time in your life. Things are always exciting and scarey when a big change comes up. I actually quit my job that I've had for 7 years a few days ago. That is also very scarey and exciting. It is a new chapter in my life and I don't know what to do. Congratulations and best of life!
@candytang (341)
• China
16 Nov 07
Good morning !dear yanstill.Congratulations !To get a good job is a difficult thing and make everyone happy.Do not worry and only believe that you can do well about your new work.Best wishes for you !
@khateya (263)
• Australia
16 Nov 07
congratulation, frist job never easy, you will need to learn from other. learning never finish even u are not at school. i have spent ur time at school and that is what you deserve.