Low Calorie dinners

@jdeforge (224)
United States
November 15, 2007 1:59pm CST
Does anyone have so good low calorie or low fat dinner recipes to share? I have a man at home that eats and eats so it needs to be hearty.
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2 responses
15 Nov 07
Is he good with his vegetables or does he push them to the side? Does he eat loads? Is he a fussy eater?
@jdeforge (224)
• United States
15 Nov 07
He's very good about eating veggies, he eats tons and only fussy when it comes to high fat things. All and all he's great at watching what he eats. But when I make things that are low calorie, he tends to complain he's still hungry after lol
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• United States
17 Jan 08
soups are low cal. make more veggie plates with fat free drips there are many out there that are very good. i keep fruit cut up and mixed looking good in the ref and when u add colors together is just looks to good not to eat. watch things like water melon the sugar is high even though is is very good for you.whole grain muffins with fat free jams with breakfast will fill you up. check out oatmeal if you like i. i put bananas on mine and it makes it yummy.