What makes or breaks a marriage???

Boy posing - married couple. - Happily ever after.
@kwenge (2487)
November 16, 2007 3:31am CST
Hey mylotters, am here, ready to be married early next year. I have some worries in my heart and I know there are different people inside here who can advice me. For those who are happily married, what is keeping you strong and happy? for those who are divorced, what made you part? what can i do to avoid a divorde?
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5 responses
• Malaysia
17 Nov 07
cheating, ego, immaturity.. anything under the sun actually. im not married (yet) but ive seen marriages crumble due to those factors. and to avoid a divorce, good communication skills and tolerance towards ur patrner is needed (except in cases of abuse and ceating) thats wat i tink. im still young so my ideas maybe incomplete lol. lets see what the others say
@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
17 Nov 07
Thanks for your response. I hope none of the above will come between us in the future because so far i haven't seen any his wee wee is intact in the pants heheheheeee..communications is the major factor in a marriage.
• Malaysia
17 Nov 07
cheating btw.. stupid typo lolz
@ellen546 (110)
• United States
16 Nov 07
The main thing is talk, talk, talk, any time you have a problem talk about it work out a soultion and listen to what the other is saying to you. If you truly love the other person there is nothing you can't work out, it takes a lot of work and love, I learned that the hard way by going through two divorses. I'm married a third time and we have been married 15 years soon to be 16, and talking to each other and working out our problems has got us through a very lot believe me.
@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
17 Nov 07
Ellen, thanks alot for sharing. Communication is the key to a lasting marriage. I guess am on the right direction..........we talk about anything and everything. Thanks dear. God bless your marriage.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
16 Nov 07
wow. I have only been married almost a year. Here is what I have learned. You have to communicate- your partner will not just know what you need or what is wrong, you have to compromise- sometimes you can't get what you want, you have to learn to forgive- you are going to be with this person forever so learn to let the small stuff go.
@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
17 Nov 07
Thanks angel. I can now see that the most important aspect in a marriage is comunication. Also compromise and forgiveness. I can see a happy life infront of us. I wish you a happy marriage.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
19 Nov 07
trust. sincerty, love and care only response
@sang2k2 (1833)
• India
19 Nov 07
hi, i think not being transparent and hiding things and stuffs related to this can spoil a relation or marriage. a girl according to me is never prepared for getting marriage, as a generall opinion attached to this myth is compromise a girl has to compromise and adjust her self in new environment bear the brunt of the husband as well as the new family. take care of the house and a whole lot of new responsibilities.No doubt evry women has to do that and one gets accustomed to it over a period of time, but the main thing expected by the women is to take care and handle evrything but wouldnt like to compromise when its concnerned about her husband. Marriages break due o mis understandings,undue demands, when expectations are not fulfiled.I feel in any relation be it marriage or an affair if you are true and concened about your partner nothing will happen.There should be absolute transparency and understanding.one should make one self compatible to the other.all the best.take care dont worry much.