Do you have a phobia of riding in cars?

@lizabeth (666)
United States
November 16, 2007 1:30pm CST
I have a bad phobia of riding with people in cars. As long as I'm driving I'm fine, but if I have to ride with someone else it really freaks me out. I am nervous the whole time I'm in the car and can't think of anything except hurrying to get where we're going. I tense up and really feel scared like I'm on a roller coaster or something. Is there anyone else that has this fear? How do you handle it or overcome your fear?
2 responses
@laurika (4532)
• United States
16 Nov 07
I have not , but I knwo two people like this. One of them is my dad, when he is driving with my brother he have hold something. I can see his reaction to saying my brother to not do that and not do that. But last time when he was riding with my fiancee, he looked ok. maybe because he was in the back seat. I don't knwo though if it makes the different. Also i meet one guy this weekend and you have to ask him every five minutes if he is ok, because he is just pale and quiet and really scared.
@lizabeth (666)
• United States
16 Nov 07
I totally understand how your dad feels. I can't ride in the front seat as a passenger. I have to ride in the back and that makes it a little better. Thanks for the response.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
20 Nov 07
I'm noy too sure how to avoid or help this. I also have a small phobia of riding in the car when my friends drive, especially because my friends and I are teenagers. I really hate it when the boys drive to show off.