do you believe that someone is born as a winner ,someone born as a loser?

@mari123 (1861)
November 18, 2007 12:38am CST
Last week ,a friend of mine recommended me a book ,entitled The Bell Curve :Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life ..This book offers an interesting but controversial viewpoint :people are not created equal in intelligence ,therefore they tend to behave different in study and on their job according to their intelligence level .Generally speaking ,the Whites always score higher than the Blacks and Latintos on tests and as a result Whites always get higher social status and living standards. It is worth mentioning that all the conclusions are based on concrete experiments and plenty of data .Of course ,some people support the theses and think the book merits considering, but others .call it bad science and racism .In some sense ,I fell what the authors said are somewhat right .It seems that intelligence can be heritable and plays an important part in our daily life. As far as I am concerned ,sometimes I cannot do things as well as others do despite my tremendous efforts .Maybe that is simply because they are more talented ?what is your opinion ?
6 responses
@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
18 Nov 07
i think we are born winners. i think its the choices that we make in life that determine if we become a loser or not.
@fangzi (69)
• China
19 Nov 07
Yes,i quite agree with your opinion!When we are a little kids,we all like to get some praise from our parents by doing something pleasing them and if we are told to be good for nothing we will be very frustrated.Why ?That is because we have a instinct desire for the recognition of our value ,which is the motivation of success!And as we grow up,melting in the society,many of our instincts have erroded away and our character became as slick as pebbles!And ironically,it is what people are striving for and is called mature!
@cosylvia (399)
• China
19 Nov 07
i dont think so absolutely,coz the charater in deed play an important role in your life and work and anyoher.for the last can guide you to the success...but if you have the good character but dont use it well so cant not success,maybe i couldnot express it exactly..
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
18 Nov 07
Birth has nothing to do with winning or losing. There are plenty of examples of people of all races and ethnicities that fall into either category. Birth can give us wealth and material things, but it's the drive that's within us that makes us who we are. I'll make an example of Paris Hilton. She was born with everything money could buy her. That still doesn't change the fact that she's basically of little worth to society and that she's homely as a mud fence. To me she's a loser even though she's white and upper class. I admire other people much more who started with nothing and made their own ways to the top.
• United States
19 Nov 07
I believe that these test were written by white "scientist" and were racially based. People of different backgrounds will not know the answers that other people will. If you ask a farmers kid about chickens he/she will have a better chance of answering right but a city kid would not have a clue as to the answer. Also we all have different abilities and disabilities that we can use to advantage or not. I have seen people that were not smart make a very good living by using his/her abilities to good use. And I have seen people that should have had great abilities wind up homeless by their own hands. It is what you make of your abilities that make you a useful (or not) person in this world, of course you have to have some breaks sometimes.
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
18 Nov 07
I believe everyone of us is a winner.. Inside your mommas womb we are competing with millions of eggs inside.. and we are lucky we are born here in this re here I am here We both are winners in this life... And yes we ALL are.. \ People think they are losers because they did not fight..
@benjrets (217)
• Indonesia
18 Nov 07
in my opinion , there is nothing to do between ras , color to their intelegency . cause everything is depend to our effort to get better , to get smarter. every human being where born with same condition . what make us different are in our effort that determines our succed.