Cady McClain is leaving again...

@lizabeth (666)
United States
November 18, 2007 4:52pm CST
I just read that Rosanna's (Cady McClain) storyline is wrapping up early. They said that the viewers are not taking to her character good this go round. I think the writers didn't do a good job with the storyline. There were so many more possibilities that could have made it better. What do you think? Are you upset that she's leaving so soon after being brought out of her coma?
1 response
@patgalca (18215)
• Orangeville, Ontario
19 Nov 07
I have to admit, that whole storyline is tanking. I hate to see Rosanna go, however she is not very appealing this go 'round. I guess I'm not shocked to say they are ending the storyline and she is leaving the show. I'm not too thrilled with the Jack/Carly/Katie/Brad storyline either. I can understand Katie being strong enough not to take Jack back, but I hope she does eventually. I liked them together. I used to love Jack and Carly but her machinations have turned me off.
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@lizabeth (666)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Yeah, I think they made Rosanna to needy and devious this go round. Its not that interesting but I'm shocked they sending her on her way. I know what you mean with the Jack/Carly/Katie/Brad story. Carly has always gotten into crap but this was a little overboard. And wait till Katie and Jack finds out Brad knew all along.