Shopping on "Black Friday"

@Kowgirl (3490)
United States
November 23, 2007 4:19pm CST
Thank God, I didn't get trampled by all those shoppers. We (my friends, and I)went shopping for the children that are getting their Christmas gifts from the Salvation Army. We bought for kids from babies on up to 12 years of age. It was a lot of fun with the exception of having to stand in line to pay for them. We even had to ask some of the younger adults what to buy for a 10 year old now days? Or even for a 5 to 7 year old. I am glad that is over we only have to wrap them all, then deliver them to the Salvation Army.I think it is time to rest now. Wrapping will have to wait until another day. How did you spend "Black Friday"?
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11 responses
@raychill (6525)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I woke up. laughed at how the news spoke of, not traffic on the roads, but all the full parking lots in the area. I then left and went to work and got there about 15 minutes earlier than normal due to the lack of traffic. Then I came home and have been hanging out. I don't go shopping on black friday. I just think it's silly!
4 people like this
• United States
24 Nov 07
LOL Thats how our town was Ray. Our Friday newspaper had photos of all the stores and how full the lots were at 4am. That is just rediculous to me. I was at home all nice and cozy! Its gotten pretty cold here. Brrrr Bay xx
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I would have stayed home if i hadn't had to go to work. I don't know if I wanna go out at all this weekend to be truthful!
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• United States
24 Nov 07
This is why I dont like going out, people around here are just rude. There is a new girl at the Dollar Store and I had went to get a few things, she was complaing the girl was taking too long and not being discreet about it at all. Some other lady in line said "If you think you can do better then go for it." I agreed with her. The old woman said "Mind your F'ing business, I CAN do better and she needs to move faster" Aaah the holiday season!! LOL It was enough to make me wish I had stayed in the house!
@karendva (118)
• United States
24 Nov 07
We went shopping today and had a blast. Our mall isn't crowded like the bigger cities/malls but there were still alot of sell outs. We went looking for 2 things in particular -- Rock Band bundle and a Zune. We had to goto a few different Radio Shacks but it was worth it because it was a great price. We had no problem finding the Rock Band. If you are looking for electronics, then today is a good day for shopping. We will go again next year.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I had to work today, and have never been one to go Shopping on Black Friday as I would hate to have to face the crowds, etc. I see I am not the only one who tries to do things for the less fortunate. I have given Wrapped gifts to Salvation Army for their giving tree many times, and hope the people who receive these gifts enjoy them, and maybe in time can repay what was done for them as a token of their appreciation as well.
• United States
24 Nov 07
shopping today is not worth it.
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• United States
23 Nov 07
I usually try to avoid the stores on Black Friday; mostly because I don't like the frenzied crush of shoppers and also because I think I would end up getting carried away with buying things "because they were on sale" and not because I actually needed them or had someone on my list that needed them. Today, I did end up going to Target because they had a $119 vacuum on sale for $67 and our vacuum has not been working well lately. I only went in and got the vacuum without looking at too much else, lest I be tempeted. I even had to carry the box in my arms because all the carts were either in use or had been left in the parking lot. The check-out line was really short though, guess I hit the store just when most of the morning shoppers had gone to get lunch.
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• United States
24 Nov 07
I hate shopping + I am totally broke. We were supposed to take the boys crabbing. My husband pulled the truck around to the shed so that we could load everything up that we needed and noticed he had a flat tire. Needless to say, he spent half the day dealing with that so, we didn't get to go.
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
24 Nov 07
After reading your blog I feel like I have done so little for others while you have done so much. I think God has a way of protecting us and maybe the flat tire was a blessing. I would think that you are blessed with love and understanding and appreciation. So you are much richer than you may think. Being rich with what you have is much more important than being rich with money. Money can't buy the things you share with your family. May God bless
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• United States
24 Nov 07
Oh you have no idea how rich I feel. Me and the boys dug some worms and then fished in our pond. We caught about 12 brim so, we had a nice little fish fry complete with hushpuppies for dinner last night. I have wonderful children and an even more wonderful husband. How many other people in the world get to live like I do with all that love around them? Not to mention the fact that I got to go fishing in my own dang yard in a pond dug by yet another friend that loves me and knows how relaxing the water is for me. Oh, and there was a pair of baby eagles that kept flying over the whole day. They were playing and having so much fun. The boys and I enjoyed watching them.
• United States
24 Nov 07
I went out for my first Black Friday ever. Crazy people everywhere and an amazing amount of people who should have showered before leaving the house. I konw it is hard work but the smell in this small store I went to was gross. Otherwise I think I am not the kind of person for it. I love a good sale but I am not going to fight someone for it.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I have never done a "Black Friday" thing, neither has anyone in my family. I'm lucky in that I do craft work and often make my own gifts to give to people, or make up gift baskets. I'm just not one of those that get caught up in the whole Christmas shopping frenzy. I wish I could do something like what your doing as far as getting gifts to get for the Salvation Army..what a wonderful thing for you to do..but my funds are limited..just can't do something like that
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• United States
24 Nov 07
I didnt go shopping thats for sure! lol I was bascially at home trying to deal with a strained neck. Not sure what I did or how I did it, but its sore and I feel like Ive got whipslash. :( I sure hope it goes away soon! I was just sitting here myLotting it and I felt a pinch, havent been able to turn it in any direction since then. I got a neck rub from hubby when he got home, which felt really good, but when he stopped it hurt again. I asked him to stay home to day and rub my neck for me. LOL Thats really nice Kowgirl what you and your friends did. Youve inspired me to do the same. Although I cant buy for many kids, I think I could swing one gift to give to our Salvation Army. Having to watch every penny since turning the heat on. Im dreading to see the bill and pray its one we can afford to pay. What a sucky way to start out the holidays, worrying about excessive bills. But thats life right? *chuckles* Bay Lay Gray xx
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
24 Nov 07
We save a little each week to do this...There are 5 of us who put money in a Christmas fund every year just so we will have money to spend on others, mostly the children who would otherwise go without a gift. If we have anything left over (LOL) we make sure that it goes to St. Jude. What I would like for you to remember is the more you give the more you get. I live on my Social Security, I don't make a lot on the Internet but I do make some. I would like for you to download and listen to "The Secret" it will help you to not worry about bills and such. The voice of Rhonda Byrne is very relaxing and will put your worries at ease.
• United States
24 Nov 07
Thanks Kowgirl, I will have to download the pdf file and read it, I dont have the right software on my pc to play, its a wma. file and I guess I dont have that. It took me to a page to download something else. I thought I had Windows Media Player, I have XP. I dont usually use it though, I use Real Player. Bay xx
• United States
24 Nov 07
I have a personal tradition of NOT shopping on Black Friday. I shop throughout the year and buy things on sale and am usually pretty close to done by Black Friday. I save it for spending time with family and relaxing. This year I got to spend it at the hospital with my sick daughter but she is back home now and doing well. I still wouldn't have gone shopping, even if she was well and I had a sitter. I just don't go out on Black Friday if I can help it. I hate the crowds and rude people. It just makes me mad that they are so rude and sad that they seem to loee the reason for the season.
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• China
24 Nov 07
usually,i don't go shopping on black Friday.i hate the crowd and crude people. additionally,i always worry that my wallet or child will be lose, etc. i'd rather stay at home or go to work.
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